日 次 1 总 则 2 术 语 3 基本规定 (3) 4 材 料 (6) 5 焊接工艺评定 (9) 6 焊接技能评定 (10) 7 碳素钢及合金钢的焊接 (14) 7.1一般规定 (14) 7.2 焊前准备 (14) 7.3 焊接工艺要求.. (17) 7.4焊前预热及焊后热处理 (21) 8铝及铝合金的焊接 (24) 8.1一般规定 (24) 8.2焊前准备 (24) 8.3焊接工艺要求 (27) 9铜及铜合金的焊接 (29) 9.1一般规定 9.2 焊前准备 (29) 9.3 焊接T艺要求 (30) 10钛及钛合金的焊接 (32) 10.1般规定 (32) 10.2焊前准备 (32) 10.3焊接工艺要求 (34) 11镍及镍合金的煤接 ... (36) 11.1一般规定.. (36)
11.2焊前准备.. (36) 11.3焊接工艺要求 (37) 12锆及锆合金的焊接 (39) 12.1一般规定 (39) 12.2焊前准备 (39) 12.3焊接工艺要求 (40) 13焊接检验及焊接工程交接 (42) 13.1 焊接前检查 (42) 13.2 焊接中间检查 (43) 13.3 焊接后检查 (43) 13.4 焊接工程交接 (46) 附录A 焊接工艺规程的格式 (47) 附录B 焊接技能评定记录、焊接技能评定结果登记表 及焊接技能评定合格证的格式 (50) 附录C常用焊接坡口形式和尺寸 (54) 附录D焊接材料的选用 (66) 本规范用词说明 (74) 引用标准名录 (75) 附:条文说明 (77)
Contents 1 Generalprovisions (1) 2 Terms (2) 3 Basic requirement 4 Material (6) 5 Weldingprocedure qualification (9) 6 Welding skill qualifiction (10) Welding of carbon steel and alloy steel (14) 7.1General requirement (14) 7.2Preparation beforc welding (14) 7.3Requirement ofwelding procedure (17) 7.4Prehcat before welding and heat treatment after (21) 8 Weldingofaluminiumandaluminiumalloy (24) 8.1 General requirement (24) 8.2 Preparation before welding (24) 8.3Requirement of welding procedure (27) 6 Welding of copper and copper alloy (29) 9.1Gencral requirement (29) 9.2Preparation before welding +++ (29) 9.3Requircment ofwelding procedurc (30) 10 Weldingof titaniumand titanium alloy (32) 10.1 General requirement (32) 10.2 Preparation before welding (32) .3.
10.3Requirement ofwelding procedurc (34) 11Welding of nickel andnickelalloy (36) 11. 1 General requirement .... (36) 11.2Preparation before welding (36) 11.3Requirement ofwelding procedure (37) 12Weldingofzirconium and zirconium alloy (39) 12.1 General requirement .... (39) 12.2 Preparation before welding (39) 12.3Requirement of welding procedure . 13 Weldinginspection and handover ofwelding engineering...... (42) 13.1Inspection before welding (42) 13.2 Inspection in the mid ofwelding (43) 13.3 Inspection affer welding (43) 13.4 Hand over ofwelding engineering (...