建築資訊模型(BIM)主要功能在建築物生命週期中,建立並使用內部共通可存取與專案相關的資訊。在這經整合過的數位環境中,前者輸入之資料可供後續其他人員使用,有助於提高專案品質、節省時間、減低成本與錯誤。透過 BIM 建立的圖說及相關資訊,連結 ODBC 將建築物相關設施資料自 BIM 中擷取出來,以建立設施管理的資料庫,做為設施管理的主要內容,透過管理軟體可查詢相關設施的資料,能降低維修之不便病避免錯誤,讓使用者在使用階段的維護管理能更方便且具效率。
本研究擬使用 BIM、ER Model、、資料庫及視窗環境,開發『建築物設施管理系統』,包含「基本資料模組」、「設施維護模組」等子模組,並針對專案中建築物中以棟、樓、室觀念來標示各單元,並把單元中相關資料,包含基本資料、設計者、施工者、設備內容、使用管理、設備維護管理等資料建置於系統中,並把各設施之規範、圖說、維護報表等文件做整合,在 BIM 系統內透過 ODBC 與資料庫連結,再透過瀏覽器連結到 Server 來擷取相關資訊,可以透過 3D 圖形的模式快速查詢到相關資訊,進而讓相關工作人員能提高效率執行設施維護與管理的工作。
關鍵詞:資料庫、設施管理、ER Model、建築資訊模型、SQL Server
The life cycle of a building includes planning, design, construction and maintenance,where the maintenance is a complex task. In order to effectively maintain building facilities, the facility maintenance and management shall be planned ahead to save the possible expense. The main objective of facility management is to ensure all equipments and facilities stay on the normal operation and achieve the design function. Since the scale of construction industry has growth up, use information technology to promote
management efficiency is a natural result.
The main function of Building Information Model (BIM) is to create and use internal common access to project related information in the life cycle of a building. In this integrated digital environment, the information entered by the former can be fetched by others for subsequent use. This will help to improve project quality, save time, reduce costs and prevent errors. The drawings created in BIM environment can be linked and fetched through ODBC to extract related facility information and construct facility management database. The management software can be used to reduce the inconvenience of maintenance, avoid errors, and achieve an efficient administration.
BIM, ER Model,, database and Windows environment are used to develop“Facility Management System” in this study. The system includes "Basic Data Module","Facility Maintenance Module". The components are identified by building, floor and room for each project. All related facility information, such as basic information, designer,construction, is setup in the management system. The specification, drawings, checking list,and other documents of facility are integrated and linked between BIM and managementsystem. User can fetch and display related information in 3D modules to effectively
perform the management tasks.
Keywords: Database, Facilities management, ER Model, Building Information
Modeling, SQL Server