PDF带书签、617页完整版 ACI 318-19 结构混凝土的建筑规范要求(美国混凝土协会标准) Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
An ACI Standard
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318-19)
Commentary on Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318R-19)
Reported by ACI Committee 318
ACI 318-19, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete,” hereinafter called the Code or the 2019 Code,and ACI 318R-19, “Commentary,” are presented in a sideby-side column format. These are two separate but coordinated documents, with Code text placed in the left column and the corresponding Commentary text aligned in the right column. Commentary section numbers are preceded by an “R” to further distinguish them from Code section numbers.The two documents are bound together solely for the user’s convenience. Each document carries a separate enforceable and distinct copyright.
As the name implies, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete” is meant to be used as part of a legally adopted building code and as such must differ in form and substance from documents that provide detailed specifications, recommended practice, complete design procedures,or design aids.
The Code is intended to cover all buildings of the usual types, both large and small. Requirements more stringent than the Code provisions may be desirable for unusual construction. The Code and Commentary cannot replace sound engineering knowledge, experience, and judgment.
A building code states only the minimum requirements necessary to provide for public health and safety. The Codeis based on this principle. For any structure, the owner or the licensed design professional may require the quality of materials and construction to be higher than the minimum requirements necessary to protect the public as stated in the Code. However, lower standards are not permitted.
The Code has no legal status unless it is adopted by the government bodies having the police power to regulate building design and construction. Where the Code has not been adopted, it may serve as a reference to good practice even though it has no legal status.