Water-Flow View Landscape-Mountains-Sky
The Site at the bank of the Xuanwu Lake,night next to the heart of historic Nanjing,is the essence of the landscape setting forming the backdrop for the development of an urban fabric with unmatched historic,symbolic and spiritual depth.
The Golden Triangle,fomed and nourished over thousands of years by the Waters of the mighty Yangtze River and marking the beginning of the niver delta widening into the sea,rich of fertile soils,strategically located at the intersection of landand waterways and overlooked by the Purple Mountain skyline,set the stage for the development of a prosperous,powerful and historically epochal city in hamony with water,mountains and sky.once the biggest on the planet.
In the heart of the Golden Triangle lies the Black Dragon,Lake Xuanwu,an area of utmost beauty and core of the ldentity of the City of Nanjing.framed by the backdrop of the Purple Mountains and the historic MingDynasty City Wall.
The Design for the Jiangsu Grand Theatre presented here is inspired and driven by the amalgamation of these elements and vistas at this unique place:
Studies of the naturally formed structures of the Yangtze Riverbed Delta serve as a generator for a geometric formation negotiating between land and water,building up a topography of streams,peninsulas,hills and valleys on the lakefront site,seamlessly materializing a composition of dynamically built-up shells housing the Jiangsu Grand Theatre Spaces.
This seamless transition between Landscape and Building,between the evermoving and infinite flow of elements in the stream of Waters and a location in the urban fabric is continued in the architectonical manifestation and language of the volumes,generated by infinite lines spiralling up and around the
building's spaces in an elegant and fluid movement.
Interweaving the directions of flow from the lake,the surrounding paths,roads and view axes,the building ensemble naturally densifies the multitude of view-and movement trajectones,and amplifies them in an almost playful way to a hamonic composition,manifesting the building complex as an ensemble of interacting landscape peninsulas rather than a solid mass,generating an aesthetic allure in a duality between a fomation emerging from infinite flows of the landscape and the creation of a central space,a force field,an address in the urban fabric.
In elevation the building builds up in an equally subtle and harmonic way,in a stretched and elegant transition from modulated landscape features to an ensemble of smaller and larger Volumes:The ensemble emerges as a complex of care fully proportioned and scaled bodies together resembling the silhouette and proportions of the Purple Mountains,harmonically integrating it into the Landscape Backdrop that makes Nanjing an unique location and becoming a vanguard yet timeless and natural part of the panorama of the Xuamwu Lake
The proportions of the shells are inspired by traditional-Chinese landscape pavilions;their silhouette with subtle upward-arching attic lines and an echoing of traditional temple roof contours blends them not only in the landscape context,but also gives them a harmonic embedment in the historic fabric and vista of the surrounding environment.
Urban Context and Integration
The site is strategically located at the northern-eastem bank of the Xuanwu Lake,very well connected to vanous layers of public transportation,traffic and pedestrian infrastructure:More than 30 Lines of Mass Transportation pass the site,the projected Subway Lines 3 and 4 will undercross it at its northern
and southern tangent,the Longpan Road deliminates it to the North East,theLake ring road frames it towards the water at the south-westem edge.
This multitude of connections to the urban infrastructure,along with the site's exposed position in the Nanjing city fabric,call and allow for a strategy of multiple access-directions and paths and are supported by the conceptual approach ofinteracting directions and movements,connecting the form generating directions of the architectural composition to the different infrastructure interfaces and bninging them all together in the centre of this important public building
Owed to its public character,the design enables an open pedestrian access and conveniences step-free foot access from a number of points:The main pedestnan entrance faces east towards a mayor pedestrian crossing over the Longpan road,connecting it to the public transportation exchange points and the residential areas east of the site.
Both planned Subway Lines 3 and 4 are proposed to have an exit point ontothe Grand Theatre's Landscape and its path system,guiding audience amiving by subway to the ensemble and offering the opportunity of interlinking the two lines.
At the heart of the building these paths meet in the central plaza,a covered.
climatized public space "between"the perfomance shells serving as the central distribution hub of the building and its 24/7 interface to the public.
Here the audience can buy tickets for the various shows and venues,can meet for food drinks in the cafe'and restaurant facilities,access the gift shops and retail areas and foremost visit the exhibition-and education zone,a special public zone in the building expressed in a distinct volume,where visitors find a permanent offer of public exhibitions,edutainment,a library and other facilitiesadding to a permanent and full day destination in the urban fabric of Nanjing
These Zones can operate completely independent of the show venues and secure a steady visitor flow and can support the retail-and food beverage outlets in the building on a pemanent basis
The public plaza is covered by a light thin shell concrete roof with large daylight openings.giving it an open and light appearance,surrounded only by a glazed curtain wall,letting the landscape and the surrounding paths flow in and through the central space of the building
Maximising daylight usage keeps the energy consumption low,and the option to open the glazed facade of the plaza to outside air allows the space to be operated as an open-to-air area during the mild seasons of the year.
Visitors ariving by car access the site from the east from Longpan road,and have the opportunity to access a landscaped and green-roofed car park seamlessly blending in with the dynamic topography on site via a large and representative drop-off zone at the building's main entrance,allowing direct access for elderly and physically impaired visitors.