中国天津 第十三届全国土力学及岩土工程学术大会 Tianjin China 2019年7月The13"Chinese National Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering July 2019 连锁桩支护技术在天津软土区的首次应用 陆鸿宇1.3,黄春海3,胡浩2,刘永超13,季振华1.3 (1.天津建城基业集团有限公司,天津300301:2.天津市地下铁道集团有限公司,天津300000 3.天津市桩基技术工程中心,天津300301) 摘要:空心方桩主要作为竖向受力构件承担竖向荷载,广泛地应用于国内基础工程.在空心方桩桩侧增设凹槽,改造 成为连锁桩,经连排施工用于基坑支护工程,在邻桩凹槽相对形成的孔洞中注浆,可兼具挡土、止水功能.本文通过 工程实例,详细介绍连锁桩支护技术在天津软土区基坑工程中的首次应用情况,为今后的类似工程提供参考. 关键词:连锁桩;软土地区;基坑支护 中图分类号:文献标识码:文章编号: The first applicationof chained prestressed piles supporttechnology in Tianjin soft soil area LUHong-yul2 HUANGChun-hai.2 HUHao2 LIU Yong-chao13 JI Zhen-hual3 (1.TianjinJiancheng Foundation Industry Group Co. Ltd. Tianjin 300301 China:2 The Metro Corporation of Tianjin Tianjin 300000 China Tianjin Engineering Research Center of Pile Foundation Tianjin 300301 China) Abstract:Prestressedspun concretesquarepiles as perpendicular bearing members to bear the vertical load whicharewidelyusedin the construction of foundation engineering in China.Throughimprovement of prestressed spun concrete square piles grouting hole is added on the side of pile which is used in foundation pit supporting engineering grouting has the function of retaining soil and...
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