彩色高清PDF《景观与建筑设计系列·C3建筑立场系列丛书 41 都市与社区》韩国C3公社


Community and the cir

彩色高清PDF《景观与建筑设计系列·C3建筑立场系列丛书 41 都市与社区》,韩国C3公社,彩色高清PDF《景观与建筑设计系列·C3建筑立场系列丛书 41 都市与社区》韩国C3公社


Investigating the Re-birth of the Community
"Perception is actually more than just sensation.Perception is an active process through which we make sense of the worldaround us."-Bryan Lawson,Language of Space,2001。
The issue deals with the relationship of architecture and the idea of community.The focus lies on the perception ofbuildings at the scale of communities-thus the interaction of users and inhabitants with the surrounding architec-ture.Before taking a look at several projects related to this topic,a brief introduction on the idea of community andthe means of architecture in this context will build up the scope of this interdisciplinary approach.The concept of community has appeared regularly throughout urban studies and is generally employed in refer-ence to all aspects of the social life of cities.Traditionally used by anthropologists,sociologists,geographers andurban planners to signify a set of social relationships operating within a specific boundary,location,or territory,community is arguably one of the most contested concepts used in the study of the city and society.Althoughconventionally evoked to describe the characteristics of a specific locality or area,the idea of community has alsobeen used in far more ideological terms as a means by which to substantiate a particular identity or to further aspecific political project.In general four broad approaches can be identified.The first approach conceives of com-munity as a set of social relations occurring within a distinctly spatialized and geographical setting.There exists arich body of work that has focused upon the form and function of specific communities in this sense of the term.A second approach conceptualizes community as the outcome of a particular mode of social interaction amongindividuals or social groups.Premised upon varying degrees of consensus and conflict,this approach essentiallyviews community to be the product of ongoing negotiation between social actors.Community has been used ina third sense to describe a particular type of social relationship between the individual and society.This perspec-tive is perhaps closest to a commonsense interpretation of community,as it evokes the notion of community as asearch for belonging and desire for group membership.The fourth approach looks at how the foundational natureof community has been decisively altered by innovations in the use of communications and computer technol-ogy.According to this view,developments in communicative technology have fundamentally undermined moretraditional conceptualizations of community and radically altered the means by which individuals and social groupsgenerate bonds of attachment。

The broad range of research related to this topic can only be broached in this context.For example,the ChicagoSchool of Urban Sociology proposed a vision of urban study in which the city was revealed as a composite 'mosaicof little worlds".Ethnographic explorations of everything from particular social groups,neighborhood locales,andoccupational niches(e.g.,gangs,street corners,taxi-cab drivers,and many others)revealed distinct socio-culturalenclaves of communal sentiment.Central to that analysis of urban growth and development was the employment
of a human ecology perspective in which the city was seen to develop and expand organically due to ongoingwaves of immigrant invasion and succession.A key insight of Chicago School scholarship was the recognition thatdynamics occurring at the local and community level had significant impact upon the overall structure of the city.Additionally,many critically and Marxist oriented scholars have argued that the rise of global capitalism has provendetrimental to the realization of community in contemporary urban settings.Arguing that the hegemony of global
capitalism has led to the displacement of community in city life,such perspectives suggest community to be an-tithetical to the logic of a capitalist world order.Many such discussions have been conducted within the contextof debates on gentrifcation and urban regeneration.Furthermore,international migration has also fundamentallyaltered the constitution of community in the contemporary global city.Characterized by the maintenance of trans-national personal and economic networks,contemporary immigrant communities avail of the communicative andtechnological innovations of globalization to forge links between homeland and host country.Three broad trends can be discerned when considering the utility of the concept of community in contemporaryurban studies.A first trend is contained in communitarian debates regarding civic engagement.If identification witha particular community is dependent upon the cultivation of a sense of belonging,the revival of civic associationsand local community networks are deemed essential.Combining an emphasis on the importance of community
with a stress on citizenship,the communitarian position is most clearly understood when conceived of as a positionthat challenges the liberal emphasis placed upon individual autonomy and achievement of personal fulfillment A second trend suggests that the nature of community has become a far more voluntaristic means of social engage-ment as individuals come together on the basis of similarity of ideas,taste and lifestyle.In this view,community isheavily circumscribed by the nature of the particular identity or interest pursuit,and characterized by relatively fluidand transient criteria of membership。

权力关系支撑着建筑的社会生产,在本书中列出的项目显示出了在互动的基础上联系社区和建筑的尝试,这一系列项目包括个人规模的(例如.©nera y Ruiz建筑师事务所的埃拉索社区中心】.社区规模的(例如uBesset--Lyon建筑师事务所的隆勒索程城市煤体中心)和城市规模的(例如千秋新井城市建筑设计事务所的Akiha Ward文化中心》。
Thirdly,the dis-embedding of community from local sites of social interaction,due to developments in media andcommunicative technology,has decisively altered the means by which community is constituted.In this view,com-munity has become less dependent upon face-to-face forms of social interaction and more upon virtual networksof connectivity.
In this relation,the means and role of architecture have to be scrutinized critically.In general architecture refersboth to those parts of the built environment that are designed by architects and the collective designation of theprofession.This basic definition is complicated by a number of factors,not least of which is the fact that the typesof buildings that can 'properly"be considered architecture are of significant controversy and struggle,as are theright of designers to be recognized as architects.Research that situates architectural practice within particular urban
contexts,political regimes,and capitalist models problematizes architecture's claims to autonomy from these pro-cesses.The profession's position somewhere between an art,primarily concerned with aesthetics and the creationof socially meaningful forms and spaces,and as a primarily functional response to material issues,is an importantconsideration in this regard.For example,the architectural discourse of postmodernism served to reinvigorate dis-cussion of architecture's social meaning,not least by opening up the potential for multiple readings of buildings and
spaces,and by celebrating a plurality of stylistic traditions.In other words,the built forms of architecture becomemeaningful to users and other citizens as markers of urban space and as reflections of a diverse range of social reali-ties.At the same time,a primary focus onarchitecture's capacity to support diverse social meanings can often be atthe expense of a deeper critique of the unequal power relations that underpin the social production of architecture.The projects outlined in this issue show the attempt to link community and architecture on the basis of interaction.The range includes projects on personal scale (i.e.El Lasso Community Center from Romera y Ruiz Arquitectos),oncommunity scale (i.e.Lons-le-Saunier Mediatheque from du Besset-Lyon Architectes)and on urban scale (i.e.AkihaWard Cultural Center from Chiaki Arai Urban and Architecture Design).Andreas Marx。(略)




