彩色高清PDF《景观与建筑设计系列·C3建筑立场系列丛书 47 传统与现代》韩国C3公社


彩色高清PDF《景观与建筑设计系列·C3建筑立场系列丛书 47 传统与现代》,韩国C3公社,彩色高清PDF《景观与建筑设计系列·C3建筑立场系列丛书 47 传统与现代》韩国C3公社

004 城市交通的转变 Andrew Tang
008 双子车站 Spora Architects
022 鹿特丹中心火车站 Team CS
034 洛格罗尼奥高速列车站 Abalos+Sentkiewicz Arquitectos
O44 加里波第广场  Dominique Perrault Architecture
052白湾游轮码头Johnson Pilton Walker
066 公共空间与城市规模项目 Hed5 Barinen
072 巴拉卡度Pormetxeta广场 MTM Arquitectos+Xpiral Arquitectura
086 辛特拉论坛 ARX
100 曼福综合馆 TSM As0 ciados
108 日式城市住宅一传统与现代 Michele Stramez
114 K住宅 Hiroyuki Shinozaki Architects
122 长廊住宅 FORM/Kouichi Kimura Architects
132 白砂住宅 ARAY Architecture
142  Okusawa住宅  Hiroyuki lto Architects +O.F.D.A.
150 山外小屋 acaa/Kazuhiko Kishimoto
160 雪松住宅 Suga Atelier
168 螺旋之家 Hideaki Takayanagi Architects
176 阳台之家 Ryo Matsui Architects


Transforming Urban
As technology and the speed of transportation improve,the role of the stationsand transportation hubs has become more complex,and the need to improvethem creates opportunities in rethinking the typology of the station and itsrelationship with the city and the public realm.Lounges,retail,communication,branding of cities and even event spaces are programs that were less evidentin the historic transportation hubs.Better efficiency to connect to other modes of transport is desired,and thus a need for better infrastructure is growing asthe speed of our information age society increases.As projected populationunfold and the new transport network is proposed,the architecture of urbantransportation is going through an evolution to upgrade its functionality whileat the same time reestablishing itself in the spirit of the 21st century.How the new architecture of urban transportation manifests itself is having effect in thetransforming of the city's image,urban connectivity and future development。
How does infrastructure of transportation define our city structure?Roads,bicycle lanes,and sidewalks are on the very basicevel of the public realm that supports our transportation meth-ods while defining the general layout of our city.On a macro levelRailroads,Waterways,and Airspace are spaces that defined howone urban region connects to another.The coming together ofthe micro and macro on an urban planning perspective is oftentransport hubs.ports or stations that bring these various modesof transport together.While airports have traditionally beenplanned outside the urban core,crulse terminals can be placedcloser to the center,and major train or subway stations are oftenplanned deeper into the city fabric and define an important focusand development of the city,if not in the center.There is a need in recent years to renew older stations to ac-commodate growth in population or build new ones to cater fornew routes or technology such as the high-speed trains networkthroughout Europe.This needs to create a more attractive andeffclent transportation hub,either deep in the original urbancontext or to establish a new one,offering an opportunity to notonly create a new building and reestablish the city's welcomingimage,but regenerate growth,and transform the public realmaround it.It reestablishes the connectivity and urban coherencybetween the regional level and the local-level.The opportunityto rethink the station typology addresses the challenges of thelarge footprint of a building that ironically in many places have。
位于尼泊尔的由Dominiqu   perrault建筑事务所设计的加里波第广场是一个基出设施案例.它重新定义了公共空间,这个项目改善了尼润尔中央车站前原有的主要广场.同时为建造一座全新的地下地铁站回出空问,这处新型代表性公共空间连接着两个车站,国合了有轨电车线路,且建造了停车场,重新规划了交通流线,使广场成为尼泊尔运输系统中最复杂的运输枢短,在一系列八棵金属制成的人工树下地下的商坐长麻展现了阴影的交织,同时遮盖了连接原有中心车站的几何结构天篷的穿孔金属板创造不断改空的外观,即三种变化的图案,公共雕修和火车站中问的道路作为主触将广场分开.围饶地铁站的公共空问具备城市人行道的特征,主路的另一边是带有池塘和其他最现特征的软景花园其他城市的交通枢细通过与水的连接发挥了作用,位于悉尼海,由的翰进·皮尔领·沃克设计的白湾部轮妈头是一个使利设施.成为澳大利亚休闲游船项日的廷伸,这个设计利用了现存的,占老的桥式起重制。
historically divided neighborhoods,set borders,and establshedan unwelcoming and unsafe atmosphere.Today,as technologyallows us to create layers above and below the traditional stationwe see train tracks buried or lilted,mic-use commercial programsedded,and urban continuity relinked.The new station is multieveled,with clear sightlines and daylight,and is an extension ofthe public space.The new architecture of the transportation hub is a catalyst of urban transformation that is expressive of the digi tal era of today with respect to the historical one. The Garibaldi Square in Naples by Dominique Perrault Architec-ture is an example of infrastructure redefining the public space The project improves the existing main square in front of CentralStation of Naples,while providing a new address to the under-ground metro station.The new representative public space links the two stations,borders a tramline and includes car parking and he rearrangement of traffic,making the square one of the most
complex transport hub in Naples transport system.Under the seies of eight metallic 'trees,the commercial gallery below groundevel enjoys the shadow-play and shading of the geometric struc ture that relates to the existing central station.The perforated etal on the canopy provides an ever-changing appearance in rariations of three pattems.A road as a main axis between the oublic statue and the train station divides the piazza however.While the public space surrounding the metro station is of an uroan pedestrian character,the other side of the main road is made


通过重塑城市交通枢纽来进行的另一个大型城市特征改造在最近于鹿特丹开放的中心火车站得到体现,CS团队,即Berthem Crouwe建筑师事务所VSA建筑师事务所以及W阳财8城市设计与景观建筑事务所合作设计了这一项目.最近十年.这个项目一直都在建设当中,同时每天火车都在正常运行,富有意义的古老车站被重新开发,来满足2025年即将增长到323000人的客流量,这一增长不但代表重要的交通延纽室化的需要,而且还是饮为高速铁路线网的一部分,这个项日的北部是19世纪的住宅区,南都是繁荣的当代或市中心,该建筑将它们与一个育业长意和一个地丽白行车隧道连接起来,同时铁路和贴台被提高了一个层次,从实用性方面来看,这个项目解决了多层次交通枢细的功能复杂性。
up of softer green garden spaces with ponds and other landscape features.Other cities'transportation hubs are leveraged through its con-nectivity to water.The White Bay Cruise Terminal in Sydney Har-bour by Johnson Pilton Walker is a facility that serves the expand-ing lelsure cruise industry in Australia.The design utilizes theexisting historic gantry crane structure to support an elegantwavy canopy roof.The structure was once a part of the contain-er shipping operations between Sydney and Europe in the late1960's.The use of this structure allows the architects to create aninterior space that appears to support a free and hence airy,flex-ible use of space with daylight framing a panorama of the cityskyline.The architecture embraces the industrial character andtransforms the fading industrial site into a memorable experiencewhile adding an iconic welcoming gateway to the city and it's ex-tensive waterway network. Another significant transformation of a city's character throughthe remaking of its transportation hub can be seen in Rotterdamwith its recent opening of the Central Station.Team CS,a collabo-ration of Benthem Crouwel Architects,MVSA Architects and West8,designed the project that has been in the making for the last tenyears whille daily use of the trains was in operation.The previoushistorically meaningful station had to be redeveloped to cater forthe growth of daily travelers of 323,000 by 2025.This growth rep-resents not only a need for a signifcant transportation hub of theregion but also a part of the European High Speed Line network. Located between a 19th Century residential area to the north。
Abdl0的+Sentkiewicz建筑事务所设计了一个类似的但是更大的城市and a contemporary thriving city-center to the south,the projectbridges the two worlds with a commercial passage and a bicycletunnel on ground level while the rails and platforms are lifted onelevel above.The project pragmatically addresses the functionalcomplexity of a multilevel transport hub with a dear,coherentlyorganizing array of transportation:trains,an underground metro,trams,buses,taxis and car drop-offs,car park and an undergroundbicycle parking of 5,200 stalls.Architecturally,the project featureson the north a glass roof that covers all the train tracks,matching the delicate residentlal character,and on the south,it showcases
a grand hall with a glimmering sculptural roof that correspondsto the contemporary skyscrapers in its surrounding.To connect with the city's history,omnamentation from the previous post-war station is re-integrated into the new design,such as the old clock. neon letters,flag posts,and two granite sculptures marking the entrances of the bicycle tunnel.I he urban impact of Rotterdam Central Station can be felt in the public space surrounding the building,especially with the station square leading the pedestrian into the city center.greeted by people from the promenade onboth side rows of Y-shape trees,which correspond to Y-form steelcolumns inside the station.The public realm to the north of thestation will reroute the existing canal closer to the entrance as itwere in its history,bringing water,trees and green to the welcom-ing image of the city.A warm reddish-granite carpet'"like stationpublic space from north to south,inside and out,transforms theonce harbor town into a frlendly world-class port city.
In a similar kind of program but of a larger urban transtormation(略)




