stdASCE 10 -engl199707596000033010t77 ASCE 10-97 ASCE STANDARD American Society of Civil Engineers Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures This document uses both Systeme International ( SI)units and customary units . ASCE COPYRIGHT 2003 ;American Socicty of Engneers stdASCE 10 -engl19970759b000033011903 ASCE 10-97 American Society of Civil Engineers Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures This document uses both Systeme International ( SI)units and customary units . ASCE Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston ,Virginia 20191-4400 TD .ASCE 10-ENGL 1997 075600003301284t ABSTRACT This standard provides requirements for the design of guyed and self-supporting latticed steel electrical transmission struc - tures .They are applicable for hot-rolled and cold-formed steel shapes .Analysis techniques are outined for the presenuy use .Procedures design or individual members extensive experience and test data on steels with yield points up to 65 ksi .Connecton design procedures allow the engineer to match connection capability to the most suitable end and edge distances for detailing . full-scale struct...
ASCE 10-97 格构式钢传输结构设计 Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures