高清PDF《建筑结构抗震设计(英文版) 》周颖 编 2016年版
It is recognized that seismie design of building structures is a multi-disciplinary and highly integrated course; consequently. it is essential to work together with colleagues from several fields to make the essence of these subjects involving seismic design of structures more accessible to readers. Furthermore, the seismie design in China is basedl on three earthquake levels, which is unique to other countries. In view of these, the authors in Tongji University edited the book "Seismic Design of Buiding Structures", based on the experiences of over 10 years' study. education and engineering practice on earthquake engineering.
This book is chief edited by Ying Zhou. The 9 chapters and contributors are;
●Chapter 1. Fundamental Knowledge of Earthquakes and Ground Motions (Jiazeng
●Chapter 2. Site, Subsoil and Foundation ( Kaoshan DAD)
●Chapter 3. Structural Scismie Response of Single -Degree of-Freedom and Multi-Degree of Freedom Systems (Zheng LU)
●Chapter 4. Seismic Action and the Basic Principles of Seismic Design for Building Structures (Ying ZHOU)
●Chapter 5. Seismice Design of Reinforced Conerete Building Structures ( Ying ZHOU)
●Chapter 6. Seismic Design of Masonry Building Structures (Kaoshan DAD)
●Chapter 7. Seismic Design of Steel Building Structures (Zheng LU)
●Chapter 8. Seismic Design of Non-structural Elements (Jiafei JIANG)
●Chapter 9. Introduction to Seismie Isolation and Energy Dissipation for Building Struetures (Ying ZHOU)
The highlights of this book is the integration of theoretical description and engineering practice, focusing on the elaboration of basie concepts, and ilustration of the detailed examples. We hope that it can help readers understand the basic theory and fundamental
method in seismic design, as well as use the codes to do seismic design for various types of building structures.