高清PDF《钎焊手册 第3版》 张启运 庄鸿寿主编 2018年版
第1章绪论Chapter1Introduction 1. 1针焊方法的原理和特点Principle and Characteristic of Brazing and Soldering Technique 1.2熔态钎料对固体母材的润湿和铺展Wetting and Spreading of Molten Filler Metal on a Solid Base Metal 1. 2.1固体金属的表面结构The Surface Structure of Solid Metal 1. 2. 2熔态钎料与固体母材的润湿Wetting of Molten Filler on Solid Base Metal 1.2.3熔态钎料在钎剂(第二液体)中与母材间界面张力的变化Change of InterfacialTension between Molten Filler and Base Metal Immersed in a Fused Flux ( a second liquid) 1.2.4金属母材表面的氧化膜及其去除机制Oxide Film on Base Metal and its Removal Mechanism 6 1. 2.5熔态钎料在固体母材上的铺展Spreading of Molten Filler Metalon Solid Base Metal 7 1.3熔态钎料与固体母材的相互作用Reaction of Molten Filler with Solid Base Metal 1.3.1熔态金属与固体金属的相互作用ReactionofMoltenMetalwith SolidMetal 9 1. 3.2钎料的构成Construetion of Filler Metals 11 1.3.3熔态钎料在母材间隙中的流动和钎缝结构的不均匀性Flowingof MoltenFiller Metal in the Clearance of Base Metals as well as Inhomogeneity of the Formed Fillet 1.3.4熔析与熔蚀Liquation and Erosion 15 1. 4钎缝中熔态钎料的凝固和钎缝的金相组织Solidification of Molten Filler Metal in Clearnance and the Micrographic Structure of the Fillet ... 1. 4.1共晶钎缝组织The Structure of Eutectic Fillet 1. 4. 2晶间渗透组织The Fillet Structure with Intercrystalline Penetration or 16 1. 4.3有化合物生成的钎缝组织The Fillet Structure with Intermetallics .... 17 1.5钎剂、钎料的选择与搭配Selection and Matching ofFluxes with Filler Metals 1.5.1钎剂的选择SelectionofFluxes. ....18 1.5.2钎料的选择SelectionofFiller Metals 1.5.3钎剂和钎料的搭配MatchingofFiller Metalwith Flux 21 1. 6工艺Technology of Brazing and Soldering . 21 1.6.1接头的形式与轩料在钎缝中的流动性Joint Types and Flowability of Molten Filler Metal in the Clearance 21 1.6.2加热方法Methods for Heating 22 1. 6.3工件的升温速度和I冷却速度Heating and Cooling Rate of Workpieces in Brazing Process .23 1. 6.4钎焊接头的保温处理和结构的弥散Annealing for Brazed Joints and Stracture Dispersion in the Fillet . ..... 参考文献References
日 录 IX 第2章铝及铝合金的钎焊 Chapter 2 Brazing and Soldering of Aluminum and its Alloys 2.1概述Introduction 2. 2铝及铝合金的编号Des...