2015年4月下 工技术 第44卷第8期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY DoI:10.7672/sgjs2015080013 万达茂滑雪乐园中西区钢结构提升支撑系统设计 豆德胜,邢遵胜,贾尚瑞,王强强 (浙江精工钢结构集团有限公司,浙江绍兴312030) 摘要]哈尔滨万达茂滑雪乐园项目设计为世界最大的室内滑雪场,滑雪场分中、西、东3个区,其中中西区为门形 空间网格结构,主屋盖采取“分区提升”的施工方法进行安装,提升架最高达56m,主要对此工程的提升支撑系统的 设计进行了详细说明,并指出复杂混凝土条件下超高提升架的设计,提升架和底部混凝土梁的变形协调以及设置 合理的混凝土加固措施等关键点。 关键词]钢结构;提升;支撑;设计;混凝土;加固 中图分类号】TU758;TU32 文献标识码]A 文章编号】1002-8498(2015)08-0013-04 Design of Support System for Steel Structure Lifting in Central and Western District of Wanda Mall Skiing Paradise Dou Desheng ,Xing Zunsheng ,Jia Shangrui ,Wang Qiangqiang Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Building Group )Co ..Shaoxing ,Zhejiang 312030 ,China ) Abstract :Harbin Wanda Mall Skiing Paradise is designed as the largest indoor skiing field in the world The skiing field has central ,western and eastern districts .The central and western districts are portal space lattice structure and the main roof cover applies method of " liftingsection by section "for installation .The highest elevation is 100m and the highest lifting frame is 56m high .The paper mainly describes the design of support system for lifting in details and points out the design for super-high lifting frame in the conditions of ...