Over 100 Certified ASTM Methods Reference Standards a 4th Edition Member AccuStandard Notice the Difference with Accustandard Experience in Petrochemical Requirements ·Years of Round Robin Studies with ASTM ·Ampulled over3o0 gallons of ASTM fuel sets including over 35 gasoline and hydrocarbon blends ·Standards for over100 ASTM Methods ·17 years of Manufacturing,Organic&Inorganic Standards ·Synthesizes rare Hydrocarbons not otherwise available Involvement in the Petrochemical Industry ·Participation in regular ASTM meetings ·Active in D-02andD-16 submittees ·Provides support to several Petrochemical Instrument Manufacturers Resources ·Low Sulfur Analyzers(such as Xos)for Measurements to ppb Levels ·Instrumention for Analyzing Standards for ICP,ICP-MS,AA,Gc/MS, GC/FID,GC/EC,GC/NPD,Karl Fischer Titrator,and others ·NIST/NVLAP Accredited(Lab Code200389-0)as a PT Provider ·Is09001:2000 Certified(s09001 for the last10 years) ·Extensive Inventory of ASTM and Related Standards New Products in this Catalog Low Sulfur and Nitrogen Standards (see pages 6-11) LUFT/LUST Standards (see pages 81-98) TPH Standards(see pages81,92-93,96-97) No Haz Fee ICP AA Standards (see pages 67-75) ·Additiona...
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