ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS 2010 SECTION 00 Index Aa-Zz VOLUME 00.01 Subject Index;Alphanumeric List 49 mI INTERNATIONAL ASTM Stock Number:S000110 This volume includes only those standards available for publication at the time of this printing.Additional and more current versions of standards within this volume may be available.To identify or obtain the most current standards visit the Standards page at ASTM INTERNATIONAL■100 BARR HARBOR DRIVE.PO BOX C700.WEST CONSHOHOCKEN PA19428-2959 TEL:610-832-9500FAX:610-832-9555 Licensee=of Pisa 5083254 /5935522011.User-Vanni Leonardo No reproduction or networking permitted without icense from IHS Not for Resale.07/06/2011 06:38:27 MDT INTERNATIONAL Editorial Staff Director: Joe Ermigiotti David A.Terruso Vernice A.Mayer Dan Gallagher Julie Wright Editors: Kristin Hanratty Publishing Assistant Coordinator: Emily Moore Sean J.Bailey Emilie A.Olcese Nicholas Furcola Nicole C.Baldini Kathleen A.Peters Scott Emery Jessica L.Rosiak Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:83-641658 ISBN978-0-8031-8160-1(set) ISBN978-08031-8352-0(volume) Copyright 2010 ASTM International West Conshohocken PA.Prior editions copyrighted 2009 and earlier by the American Society for Testing and Materials.All rights reserved.This material may not be reproduced or copied in whole or in part in any printed mechanical electronic film or other distribution and storage media without the written consent of the ...
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