Airpak 3.0 Tutorial Guide May 2007 Copyright©2007 by Fluent Inc. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or otherwise used in any form without express written permission from Fluent Inc. Airpak FIDAP FLUENT FLUENT for CATIA V5 FloWizard GAMBIT Icemax Icepak Icepro Icewave Icechip MixSim and POLYFLOW are registered trademarks of Fluent Inc.All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. CATIA V5 is a registered trademark of Dassault Systemes.CHEMKIN is a registered trademark of Reaction Design Inc. Portions of this program include material copyrighted by PathScale Corporation 2003-2004. Fluent Inc. Centerra Resource Park 10 Cavendish Court Lebanon NH 03766 Using This Manual What's In This Manual The Airpak Tutorial Guide contains a number of tutorials that teach you how to use Airpak to solve different types of problems.In each tutorial features related to problem setup and postprocessing are demonstrated. Tutorial 1 is a detailed tutorial designed to introduce the beginner to Airpak.This tutorial provides explicit instructions for all steps in the problem setup solution and postprocessing.The remaining tutorials assume that you ...
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