通信电源孩术 2017年7月25日第34卷第4期 Tele Power Technology Jul.25 2017 Vol.34No.4 doi:10.19399/j.cnki.tpt.2017.04.098 运探讨 继电保护整定计算方法的探究及改善措施 魏千钧 (广东电网茂名化州供电局,广东化州525100) 摘要:在电力系统实际的运行过程中,由自然因素、人为因素以及设备故障等各种原因导致的事故不断增加,不仅干 扰到了电网的正常运行,还导致配电网时常出现断线的现象,由此导致区城性的停电,甚至会因此引发重大事故.文章将 从目前继电保护整定计算方法中存在的问题出发,对其进行分析和讨论,并研究出解决该问题的改善措施. 关键词:继电保护;整定计算方法;探究及改善措施 Improvement Measures of the Setting Calculation Method of Relay Protection WEI Qian-jun (Huazhou Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Maoming Power Grid Huazhou 525100 China) Abstract:By natural factors operation process of the actual power system leading to human factors and equipment failure and other reasons the accident is increasing.It not only disturbs the normal operation of the power grid but also leads to the phenomenon of disconnection in the distribution network which leads to regional blackouts and even leads to major accidents.From the current relay protection setting calculation method of the existence of the problem the analysis and discussion and study is carried out to solve the problem of improvement measures in this paper. Key words:relay protection;setting calculation method;exploring and improving measures 随着社会经济的发展速度越来越快,我国各个行解继保整定...
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