7.3多高层钢结构拆除施工方案编制 (29) 7.4空间钢结构拆除施工方案编制 (29) 7.5高耸钢结构拆除施工方案编制 (30) 7.6工业建筑钢结构拆除施工方案编制 (30) 8施工过程监测与控制 (31) 8.1一般规定 (31) 8.2施工监测设备与监测方法 (32) 8.3施工过程监测参数与测点布置 (33) 8.4监测数据分析与处理 (36) 8.5施工过程控制 (37) 9安全管理与文明施工 (39) 9.1一般规定. (39) 9.2人工安全管理 (40) 9.3设备安全管理 (40) 9.4安全措施管理 (41) 9.5资源化利用. (41) 附录A既有钢结构建筑荷载标准值的确定方法 (43) 附录B按检测结果确定构件材料强度标准值的方法 (45) 用词说明 (47) 引用标准名录 (48) 附:条文说明 (49)
Contents 1GeneralProvisions (1) 2 Terms 3Basicrequirements (3) 4Safety evaluation of the steelStructurebefore Rebuilding (8) 4.1 General requirements... (8) 4.2Loads, actions and efect bination before rebuilding (10) 4.3Force state calculation of the structure before rebuilding .(10) 4.4Force state calculation of the structure during rebuilding.(14) 5Safetymacro-Evaluation of the steelStructure beforedemolition.. (15) 5.1 General Requirements... (15) 5.2Macro-evaluation of structure material properties 5.3Macro-evaluation of corrosion and damage of steel members .... 5.4Macro-evaluation of the struicture system ... 5.5 Macro-evaluation of loads and actions (17) 5.6Macro-evaluation of overall safety of the structure ...... (17) 5.7 Calculation and evaluation of load-bearing capacity of the structure before demolition .... (17) 6RebuildingConstructionScheme Compilationof the stelStructure......... (19) 6.1General Requirements ...... (19) 6.2Calculation ofrebuilding construction (20) 6.3Rebuilding construction scheme pilation of the multi .8.
and tall steel structure (21) 6.4Rebuilding construction scheme pilation of the spatial steelstructure.............. 6.5Rebuilding construction scheme pilation of the towering steel structure ....... .(24) 6.6Rebuilding construction scheme pilation of the industrial steel structure .... (24) 7DemolitionSchemeCompilationofthe steelStructure...... (26) 7.1 General Requirements ...... (26) 7.2Calculation of demolition construction 7.3Demolition scheme pilation of the multi and tallsteelstructure.......................... 7.4 Demolition scheme pila...
高清 T/CECS 1105-2022 既有钢结构改建与拆除技术规程(附条文说明).pdf