Chapter 1 DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL EQUIREMENTS 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 SCOPE The definitions providing meanings of different terms and general requirements for the structural design of buildings structures and ponents thereof are specified in this chapter.These requirements shall apply to all buildings and structures or their ponents regulated by this code.All anticipated loads required for structural design shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2.Design parameters required for the structural design of foundation elements shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 3.Design of structural members using various construction materials shall ply with the relevant provisions of Chapters 4 through 13.The FPS equivalents of the empirical expressions used throughout Part 6 are listed in Appendix A. This Code shall govern in all matters pertaining to design construction and material properties wherever this Code is in conflict with requirements contained in other standards referenced in this Code.However in special cases where the design of a structure or its ponents cannot be covered by the provisions of this code other relevant internationally accepted codes referred in this code may be used. 1.1.2 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall provide the meaning of certain terms used in this chapter. BASE SHEAR Total design lateral force or shear at the base of a structure. BASIC WIND SPEED Three-second gust speed at 10 metres above the mean ground...
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