6.5五金件 (16) 6.6填充材料 (17) 6.7连接材料 (17) 7安装质量检查 (18) 7.1一般规定 (18) 7.2锚固连接构造 (18) 7.3 3防雷构造 (18) 7. 4 防火构造 (19) 7.5 支承连接构造 (20) 7.6 面板装配构造 (20) 7.7 开启窗装配构造 (22) 7.8周边封口构造 (22) 8评估及风险等级 (24) 8.1一般规定 (24) 8.2评估构造风险等级 (24) 8.3评估单元风险等级 (31) 8.4评估对象风险等级 (31) 8.5目标工程风险等级 (31) 9安全性评估报告 (32) 用词说明 (33) 引用标准名录 (34) 附:条文说明 (35)
Contents 1Generalprovisions (1) 2Terms and symbols (2) 2.1 Terms (2) 2.2 Symbols (2) 3Basic requirements (3) 3.1 Conditions of safety assessment (3) 3.2 Cycle of safety assessment (3) 3.3 Process of safety assessment (4) 3.4 Contents of safety assessment * (5) 3.5Conclusion of safety assessment (5) 4Project investigation and evaluation scheme (7) 4.1 Project investigation (7) 4.2 Evaluation scheme (7) 5Review and evaluation of design data (9) 5.1 General requirements (9) 5.2 Review of design drawings (6) 5.3 Review of structural calculation sheet (10) 5.4 1Verification of quality assurance data (11) 5.5 Evaluation of design rationality analysis (12) 6Material quality inspection.. (14) 6.1 General requirements ... (14) 6.2Supporting frame materials (14) 6.3 Panel materials (15) 6.4 Bonding and sealing materials (16) 3
6.5 Hardwares (16) 6.6 Filling materials ........ (17) 6.7 Connecting materials (17) 7Installation quality inspection (18) 7.1 General requirements ... (18) 7.2 Supporting joint .... (18) 7. 3Lightning protection joint (18) 7.4 Fireproofing joint (19) 7.5 Frame connection joint (20) 7.6 Panel assembly joint (20) 7.7 Openable part assembly joint (22) 7.8 Peripheral sealing joint (22) 8Assessment andrisk level (24) 8.1 General requirements ...... (24) 8.2 Risk level of assessment part (24) 8.3 Risk level of assessment unit (31) 8.4 Risk level of assessment object (31) 8.5 Risk level of assessment project (31) 9 Safety assessment reports (32) Explanation of wording (33) List of quoted standards (34) Addition:Explanation ofprovisions (35)
1总则 1.0.1为规范建筑幕墙安全性评估,保障建筑幕墙使用安全,制 定本标准。
1.0.2本标准适用于各类构造形式的建筑幕墙,包括已峻工验 收、已建成未峻工验收、停建工程复工续建以及其他各个阶段的建 筑幕墙的安全性...