6.1调试 (25) 6.2 试运行 (26) 收 (28) 运行和维护 (31) 8.1一般规定 (31) 8.2 运行 (31) 8.3维护 (33) 附录A混、错接污水的流量测定方法 (34) 用词说明. (35) 引用标准名录 (36) 附:条文说明 (39)
Contents 1General provisions 2Terms and symbols .... (2) 2.1 Terms (2) 2.2 Symbols (3) 3Equipments and ponents (5) 3.1 General requirements (5) 3.2 Collection tank and equipments and ponent (6) 3.3 Electrical and intelligent control system (8) 3.4Auxiliary facilities (9) 4 4Design (10) 4.1 Generalrequirements (10) 4.2 Site selection and general layout (10) 4.3 Type selection calculation (11) 4. 4 Structure design (15) 4.5 Electrical and intelligent control system design *... (17) 4. 6 Supporting facilities design **..* (18) 5 Construction and installation.... (19) 5.1 General requirements (19) 5.2 Excavation and support (20) 5.3 Foundation construction (21) 5.4 Equipment installation and connection with pipeline (22) 5.5 Backfilling (23) 5.6 Electrical and intelligent control system installation (24) 6 6Commissioningand testrun (25) 3
6.1 Commissioning (25) 6.2 Test run (26) 7 Acceptance (28) Operation andmaintenance (31) 8.1 General requirements (31) 8.2 Operation (31) 8.3 Maintenance (33) Appendix A Flow measurement of mixed,misconnected sewage (34) Explanation ofwording (35) List of quoted standards (36) Addition:Explanation of provisions (39)
1总则 1.0.1为规范一体化智能截流井的工程技术应用,做到安全可 靠、技术先进、安装便捷、运行高效、绿色环保、经济合理、管理方 便,制定本规程。
1.0.2本规程适用于城乡排水工程中合流制排水系统,存在雨污 混、错接的分流制排水系统改造及初期雨水污染控制中应用一体 化智能截流井的设计、施工安装、调试与验收、运行与维护。
1.0.3一体化智能截流井工程技术应用除应符合本规程规定外, 尚应符合国家现行有关标准和现行中国工程建设标准化协会有关 标准的规定。
2术语和符号 2.1术语 2.1.1一体化智能截流井 integrated intelligent intercepting well 在工厂内将井筒、控制闸门、潜污泵及管道、格栅、监控系统等 主要部件集成为一体,并在出厂前预装和测试合格后,整体或分体 运至现场组装和施工安装,实现就地和远程运行监控管理的截 流井。
2.1.2重力式一体化智能截流井 gravity integrated intelli- gent intercepting well 截流水依靠重力自流排出的一体化智能截流井。
2.1.3提升式一体化智能截流并 integrated intelligent in- tercepting and lifting well 截流水利用水泵加压提升排出的一体化智能截流井。
2.1.4井筒collectiontank 由筒体、顶盖、底座组成的一体化智能截流井的主体结构。
2.1.5筒体cylinder wall 连接底座和顶盖的筒状部件。