目录 1总则 1 2术语 2 3基本规定 .3 4园林绿化养护质量等级及质量要求 .4 4.1公园绿地养护质量等级及质量要求. 4.2行道树养护质量等级及质量要求. .4 4.3古树名木和古树后续资源养护质量等级及质量要求 .4 4.4立体绿化养护质量等级及质量要求. 4 4.5容器绿化养护质量等级及质量要求 5植物养护 5 5.1一般规定. .5 5.2树木 .6 5.3花卉. 7 5.4草坪和草地. .7 5.5地被植物 5.6水生植物 .8 5.7竹类 8 5.8行道树 ...9 5.9古树名木和古树后续资源 .9 5.10立体绿化. .10 5.11容器绿化. ....10 6园林绿化附属设施维护 11 6.1一般规定 6.2园林建(构)筑物11 6.3道路和地坪 11 6.4假山和叠石. 6.5园桌、园椅和园凳. .12 6.6娱乐健身设施 12 6.7垃圾箱(筒) ...12 6.8雕塑. ...12 6.9标识标牌和宣传设施 .12 6.10水景设施 ..13 6.11给水和排水设施. .13 6.12灯光和照明设施 .13 6.13广播和监控设施. .13 6.14消防设施 .13 6.15无障碍设施 13 7其他维护 .14 7.1土壤维护 ...14 7.2水体维护 .14 7.3绿地保洁 .14 7.4绿化植物废弃物处置 .14 1 7.5安全巡查 ..14 7.6档案管理 .14 附录A树木养护质量等级 附录B花卉养护质量等级.17 附录C草坪和草地养护质量等级 .19 附录D地被植物养护质量等级 附录E水生植物养护质量等级.21 附录F竹类养护质量等级 .22 附录G园林绿化附属设施维护质量等级 .23 附录H行道树养护质量等级. 报批稿 附录J古树名木和古树后续资源养护质量等级 .26 附录K立体绿化养护质量等级 27 附录L容器绿化养护质量等级 28 2 Contents 1 General provisions .1 2 Terms... .2 3 Basic rules. 4 Classification and quality requirements of landscaping maintenanc....................................4 4.1 Classification and quality requirements of public park................ 4 4.2 Classification and quality requirements of street tree............... 4.3 Classification and quality requirements of ancient and famous trees and potential resource of ancient trees .4 4.4 Classification and quality requirements of green buliding planting............................4 4.5 Classification and quality requirements of container planti............................... 5 Plant maintenance....... .5 5.1 General requirement....................................................................................5 5.2 Trees....... 6 5.3 Flowers.. ..7 5.4Lawn、Grassland..........7 5.5 Ground cover plan.................................................................................. 5.6 Aquatic plant...... .8 5.7 Bamboo... 5.8 Street tree.. 5.9 Ancient and famous trees and potential resource of ancient trees.............. 5.10 Green building planting.....
DG/TJ 08-19-2023 园林绿化养护标准.pdf