目次 1总则 1 2术语 2 3基本规定 5 4建筑节能设计计算指标 7 5建筑和建筑热工节能设计 9 5.1一般规定 .9 5.2屋顶及外墙热工节能设计 9 5.3外门窗及遮阳节能设计 4 13 6建筑围护结构热工性能权衡判断17 7供暖、通风与空调节能设计 20 7.1一般规定 20 7.2供暖和空气调节系统20 7.3通风系统 21 8给水排水节能设计23 8.1一般规定 23 8.2供水系统 23 8.3热水系统 24 8.4室外给水排水系统 25 9电气节能设计27 9.1一般规定 27 9.2供配电系统与计量 27 9.3电气设备 27 9.4照明 28 10可再生能源建筑应用系统设计 -29 10.1一般规定 29 1 10.2太阳能系统29 10.3热泵系统 31 11建筑节能设计审查 34 附录A建筑遮阳系数的计算方法 36 附录B反射隔热外饰面太阳辐射吸收系数的修正计算方法 38 附录C建筑节能设计专项说明 39 附录D建筑节能设计报审表43 本标准用词说明 61 引用标准名录 62 附:条文说明 2 Contents 1 General provisions 2 Terms 2 3 Basic requirements 5 4 Calculation index of design for building energy efficiency 7 5 Design of energy efficiency for building and its thermotechnical Performance.... 9 5.1 General requirements 9 5.2 Efficient and thermotechnical design of roof and extemal wall-.9 5.3 Design of energy efficiency for external door and windowl3 6 Building envelope thermotechnical performance trade-offl7 7 Design of energy efficiency for hvac.20 7.1 General requirements 20 7.2 Heating and air conditioning system .20 7.3 Ventilating system.. 21 8 Design of energy efficiency for water supply and drainage 23 8.1 General requirements 23 8.2 Water supply system 23 8.3 Hot water supply system 24 8.4 Outdoor water supply and drainage system25 9 Design of energy efficiency for electric.27 9.1 General requirements.. 27 9.2 Power supply and distribution system and measurement27 9.3 Electric equipment 27 9.4 Lighting 28 3 10 Design of renewable energy building application system29 10.1 General requirements 29 10.2 Solar energy system ....29 10.3 Ground source heat pump system 31 1 1 Review for building energy efficiency design34 Appendix A calculation method for outside shading coefficient 36 Appendix B correction factor of solar energy absorptance for reflective surface 38 Appendix C illustration for building energy efficiency design 39 Appendix D application form fo...
DBJ/T 45-095-2022 居住建筑节能设计标准.pdf