电力学报 Vol, 33 No.6 2018年12月 JOURNAL OF ELECTRIC POWER Dec, 2018 文章编号:1006-6548(2018)06-0485-08中图分粪号:TM73;U491.8 文献标识码:B 学科分类号:47040 基于环路和充电场类型的充电基础设施规划方法研究 杨冰戴静赵含雪 (1.国网北京市电力公司北京100031;2.中国科学院大学,北京100190) 摘要:充电设施规划与建设是电动汽车发展的重要前提,提出了基于两层优化的充电设施规划方法,第一层以 最小化环路间充电服务次数为优化目标,第二层以不同类型充电场间的服务次数为优化目标,以北京地区实际充 电设施充电运营数据为基础验证了所提出方法的可行性和适用性。
研究结果表明北京地区目前需要减少三环 内和六环外的充电设施建设,未来3年需要重点规划建设三环至六环,以及电力公司营业厅、商业小区、公园等地 的充电设施。
关键词:电动汽车:充电:基础设施:环路规划 DOI:10.13357/j.cnki.jep.002758 Research on Charging Infrastructure Planning Method Based on Circle Road and ChargingStation Type YANG Bing' ,DAI Jing' ,ZHAO Han-xue* (1, Stete Grid Beijing Electric Potcer Com pexy ,Beijing 100031 ,Chine : 2, University of Chinee Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190;China) Abstraet : The planning and construction of charging infrastructure is an important prerequisite for the de velopment of electric vehicles, This paper proposes a charging infrastructure planning method based on two-layer optimization. The first layer optimizes the number of charging services between circle roads and the second layer optimizes the number of services between different types of charging fields. Based on the actual charging infrastructure charging operation data in Beijing,the feasibility and applicability of the pro- posed method are verified. The research results show that Beijing area needs to reduce the number of char- ging infrastructure within the Third Ring Road and outside the Sixth Ring Road. In the next three years it is necessary to plan and construct the three-ring to six-ringas well as the charging facilities of the power pany business hall ,mercial munity , parks and other places. Key words electric vehicles;charging ;infrastructure ;circle road 1引言 近年来,全球能源危机与环境污染等问题日益加剧,寻找并使用清洁能源成为当今世界环保的主题。
由 于电动汽车在节能减排和替代方面具有显著的优势,大力研究电动汽车相关技术及其应用,促进产业发展已 成为发达国家和相关企业关注的重点之一[1-。
大规模推广应用电动汽车也将有助于提高电网电能利用效 率,发挥其分布式储能、在系统中前峰填容等功能。
因此,大力发展电动汽车对中国具有重要的经济与战略 意义。
充电设施的规 收稿日期:2018-09-20 作者简介:杨...