HS 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准 SH/T 3533-2024 代替SH3533-2013 石油化工给水排水管道工程 施工及验收规范 Construction and acceptance specification for water supply and wastewaterpiping in petrochemical industry 2024-03-29发布 2024-10-01实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 发布
SH/T 3533-2024 目次 前言.. V 1范围.. 2规范性引用文件. 3术语和定义, 2 4基本规定 2 5材料. 2 5.1 一般规定 2 5.2 阀门验收 3 5.3 焊接及接口材料 3 6土方工程。
3 6.1 放线与测量、 3 沟槽开挖 4 6.3 管道基础 6 6.4沟槽回填 7 7 管道敷设与安装 8 7.1 般规定 -8 7.2 钢制管道安装 .9 7.3 铸铁管道安装、 11 7.4 混凝土管道安装 12 7.5 非金属管道安装 14 7.6 阀门及附件安装。
16 8 钢制管道防腐 1 8.1 埋地钢管内防腐 .17 8.2 埋地钢管外防腐 .19 9 管道附属构筑物 23 9.1 般规定 23 9.2 给排水井室.. 23 9.3 支墩, 24 9.4 雨水口 .24 10 试验及冲洗 24 10.1 一般规定 -24 10.2 压力试验 25 10.3 闭水试验 26 10.4 冲洗 26 11 施工过程技术文件和交工技术文件 26 I
SH/T3533-2024 附录A(资料性附录)非金属管道常用连接方式 28 附录B(资料性附录)水泥砂浆配合比 29 附录C(资料性附录)液体环氧涂料内防腐层等级与厚度 30 附录D(资料性附录)埋地管道外防腐蚀涂层结构及防腐蚀等级 附录E(资料性附录)无溶剂液体环氧涂料及外防腐层技术指标 33 参考文献 .34 本标准用词说明, 35 附:条文说明 36 I
SH/T 3533-2024 Contents Foreword. AI 1Scope 2Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 2 4 General requirements .2 5 Materials 2 5.1 General 2 5.2 Valves acceptance. .3 Welding and joining materials . 6 Earthworks 3 6.1 Layout and survey 3 6.2 Trench excavation. 4 6.3 Piping fundation. .6 6.4 Trench backfill . ..7 Piping Installation .8 7.1 General.. .8 7.2 Steel piping installation ..9 7.3 Cast iron piping installation 11 7.4 Concrete piping installation 12 7.5 Non-metallic piping installation 14 7.6 Valves and accessories installation. 16 8 Anti-corrosive coating of steel piping 17 8.1 Internal anti-corrosive coating of metallic piping . 17 8.2 External anti-corrosive coating of metallic piping. 19 9 Piping auxiliary structures 23 9.1 General ..23 9.2 Catch pit and chamber. 23 9.3 Thrust block. .24 9.4 Catch basin. .24 10 Leak test and water flushing - 24 10.1 General. 24 10.2 Pressure test . 25 10.3 Service leak test. 26 m
SH/T 3533-2024 10.4Water flushing .26 11 Construction and handover documentations 26 Appendix A (informative) Non-metalic piping joints types 28 Appendix B (informative) Cement motar mix design. 29 Appen...