EN10216-2 EUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHENORM November 2024 ICS 23.040.10; 77.140.75 Supersedes EN 10216-2:2013A1:2019 English Version Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes-Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes withspecifiedelevatedtemperatureproperties Tubes sans soudure enacier pour service sous Nahtlose Stahlrohre furDruckbeanspruchungen- pression - Conditions techniques de livraison - Partie 2: Technische Lieferbedingungen - Teil 2: Rohre aus Tubes en acier non allieet allieavec caractefistiques unlegierten und legierten Stahlen mit festgelegten speciflees h temperature levee Eigenschaften bei erhohten Temperaturen This European Standard was approved by CEN on 13 October 2024. CENmembers are bound to ply with the CEN/CENELEC Intermal Regulations which stipulate the conditions forgiving this concerming such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists n three official versions EnglishFrench German).A version n any other language made by Centre has the same status as the official versions. CENmmbers arethational standardsbodifustrialgiumugariaCroatiaCruszchpublicnarkEstnia Finlandranc Gmany c gary land Irland Italy atvia iuia Lxmug Malt answay Polandortugalpubliforthaconiamaniarbialovakialoveniapanwen witzerlandTirkiy an United Kingdom. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPA1SCHES KOMITEE FUR NORMUNG CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23 B-1040 Brussels 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 10216-2:2024 E worldwide for CEN national Members.
EN 10216-2:2024 (E) Contents Page 1 Scope.. 2 Normative references. 5 3 Terrns and definitions... 6 4 Symbols. 7 5 Classification and designation. 7 5=1 Classification. 7 5.2 Designation.. 7 6 Information tobesuppliedat the timeof the enquiry and order 8 6.1 Mandatoryinformation 8 6.2 Options.. ..8 7 Manufacturing proces. 9 7.1 Steel making process.. 9 7.2 Tube manufacture and delivery conditions.. 9 8 Requirements.. .11 8.1 General. ... 8.2 Chemical position.. 11 8.3 Mechanical properties. 16 8.4 Appearance and internal soundness. .21 8.5 Straightness.. .21 8.6 Preparation of endsTM 8.7 Dimensions masses and tolerances. .22 9 Inspection. .28 9=1 Types of inspection. 28 9.2 Inspection documents 28 9.3 Summary of inspection and verification testing... 29 10 Sampling. ..31 10.1 Frequency of tests... .3.1 10.2 Preparation of samples and test pieces ...31 11 Verification test methods. 33 11-1 Chemical analysis. ...33 11.2 Tensile test .33 11.3 Flattening t.est..... 33 11.4 Ring tensile test. 34 113Drift expanding test... .34 11.6 Ring expanding test.... .36 11.7 Impact test 36 11.8 Leak tightness test.. .36 11.9 Dimensional inspection. 37 1U0Visual examination... .37 11:11Non-destructive tGSting
EN 10216-2:2024(E) 11.12Material identification... .38 11.13 Retests sorting andreprocessing.38... 12 Marking"."" .3... 12.1 Marking tobe applied38 12.2 Additional marking..J8 13 Protection 3 8 Annex A (informative) Creep rupture .strength * values 39 Annex B (informative) Technical changes from ..the previous edition49 B.1 .. Introduction49 B.2 T echnical ..changes 49 Annex ZA(informative]Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential RequirementsofDirective2014/68/EUaimed tobecovered 50 Bibliography51
EN 10216-2:2024 (E) Europeanforeword This document (EN10216-2:2024]has been prepared byTechnical CommiteCEN/TC 459“ECISS- European Committee for Iron and Steel Standardization~ the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR* identical text orby endorsement at thelatest byMay 2025 andconflicting national standards shallbe withdrawn at the latest by May 2025. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or allsuch patent rights. This document supersedes EN 10216-2:2013Al:2019. For the list of the most significant technical changes that were made in EN 10216-2:2024 see Annex Bs Commission. The Standing Committee of the EFTA States subsequently approves these requests for its Member States. document. EN 10216 consists of the following parts under the general title "Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes-Technical delivery conditions': _Part1:Non-aHoy steel tubeswith specified room temperature properties _Part 2:Non-alloy and alloy steeltubes withspecified elevated temperature properties(the present document) _Part3:Alloyfinegrain steel tubes -Part4:Non-alloy andalloysteeltubeswithspecifiedlowtemperatureproperties _Part5:Stainless steel tubes EN10217seriesWeldedsteeltubesforpressurepurposesTechnicaldeliveryconditions Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users' national standards body. A plete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website. According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard:Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus CzechRpublic Denmark EstoniaFinland France Grmany Grce Hungary,Icland Irelan Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Rpublicof North Macedonia Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkiye and the United Kingdom. 1 Through its sub-mitee SC 10 "Steel tubes and iron and steel fittings" (secretariat:UNI). 4
EN 10216-2:2024 (E) 1Scope This document specifies the technical delivery conditions in two test categories for seamless tubes of circular cross section with specified elevated temperature properties made of non-alloy and alloy steel This Part of EN 10216 is also applicable to tubes of non-circular cross section; necessary modification will be agreed at the time of enquiry and order. 2Normativereferences The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutesrequirements of this document.For datedreferences only the edition cited applies.For undated references the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN10020:2000 Definitionandclassificationofgradesofsteel EN10021:2006 Generaltechnicaldelivery conditionsfor steelproducts EN 10027-1:2016 Designation systems for steels -Part 1:Steel names EN10027-2:2015 Designation systems for steels -Part 2:Numerical system EN10168:2004 Steelproducts-Inspectiondocuments-List ofinformationanddescription EN 10204:2004 Metallic products -Types of inspection documents EN10220:2002 Seamless and welded steel tubes -Dimensions andmasses perunit length EN10266:2003 teeltubesfittingsandstructuralollowsections-ymbolanddfinitionsftrmor useinproductstandards EN ISO148-1:2016 Metallic materials -Charpy pendulum impact test -Part 1:Test method (ISO148-1: 2016) ENISO377:2017 Steelandsteel products -Location andpreparation of samples andtest pieces for mechanicaltesting(ISO377:2017) EN ISO 2566-1.2021 Steel-Conversion of elongation values-Parti:Carbon and low-alloy steels (ISO 2566- 1:2021 Correctedversion2022-06) ENISO4885:2018 Ferrous materials -Heat treatments -Vocabulary (ISO4885:2018] ENISO 6892-1:2019 Metallicmaterials -Tensile testing-Part 1:Method of test atroom temperature (ISO 6892^1:2019) ENISO6892-2:2018 Metallicmaterials-Tensile testing-Part 2:Method of testatelevated temperature (ISO 6892^2:2018) EN ISO 8492:2013 Metallic materials -Tube -Flattening test (ISO 8492:2013) EN ISO8493:2004 Metallic materials -Tube-Drift expanding test【ISO8493:1998) ENISO 8495:2013 Metallic materials -Tube-Ring expanding test (ISO 8495:2013) EN ISO 8496:2013 Metallic materials -Tube -Ring tensile test (ISO 8496:2013) 5
EN 10216-2 2024压力用无缝钢管交货技术条件第2部分具有规定高温性能的非合金和合金钢管(英文版) OCR.pdf
