AWS D1.1-D1.1M-2020钢结构焊接规范(873页中英文对照版).pdf


AWS D1.1/ D1.1M : 2020 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2020 An American National Standard 美国国家标准 StructuralWeldingCodeSteel 钢结构焊接规范 American Welding Society③ 美国焊接学会 内部资料不得外传
AWS D1.1/ D1.1M : 2020
AWS D1.1/D1.1M: 2020 AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2020 An American National Standard 美国国家标准 Approved by the American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会批准 December 9 2019 2019年12月9日 StructuralWeldingCode-Steel 钢结构焊接规范 24th Edition 第24版 Supersedes AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 替代AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Prepared by the American Welding Society (AWS) D1 Commitee on Structural Welding 美国焊接协会(AWS)DI结构焊接委员会编制 Under the Direction of the AWS Technical Activities Commitee AWS技术活动委员会指导 Approved by the AWS Board of Directors AWS理事会批准 Abstract 摘要 This code rs th wlding quiremnts fray t f eldedsttur made frmte cmlysd can adlwallystrutiol stlsClase thoug1 stit abdyfrlef threulationfing steel costuctin. There are cight nmtive ad eleven infomtive annexes in this code. A Comentary of the code is included with the document. 范条例的主体.


AWS D1.1 / D1.1M : 2020 ISBN Print: 978-1-64322-087-1 印刷版书号:978-1-64322-087-1 ISBN PDF: 978-1-64322-088-8 PDF版5号:978-1-64322-088-8 2020 by American Welding Society 美国焊接协会注册2020 All rights reserved 权利保窗 Printed in the United States of America 在美国印刷 Phot Rights pt of this stard my b r sodin aretrieval stm or trasmittd in any fm inlding mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior writen permission of the copyright owner. 影印权,事先没有者的书面许可,本标准的任何部分不得复制、存储于可检索系统中,也不得以任何形式,包括机械 的、影印的、记录的或其他方式传播.

Authorization to photocopy items for intemal personal or ecducational classroom use only or the internal personal or educational classrm use nly f speifc clients is gratd by the Amrican Welding Society prvided that the appropriate fe is paid to th Copyright Clearance Center 222 Rosewood Drive Damvers MA 01923 tel:(978) 750-8400; Intenet: 偏若给清算中心支付适当的费用,美国焊接协会可以授子影印标准条款仅作为内部、个人或教学之用,或特别的用户仅 作内部、个人或教学之用.

清算中心地址:222 Rosewood Drive Danvers MA 01923,电话:(978) 750-8400 网址:
AWS D1.1 / D1.IM : 2020 Statement on the Use of American Welding Society Standards 关于美国焊接协会标准使用的声明 All standands (codes specifications recoemmended practices methods clasifications and guides) of the American Welding Society (AWS) are voluntary consensus standard that hve been developed in accordance with the rules of the American National Standands Institute (ANSI). When AWS American National Standards are cither incorporated in or made part of documents that are included in federal r stat ls and rgulis otregulatins f tr goemmal bdis thr prviss carry t fullgathrity f the statute. In such cases any changes in those AWS standands must be approved by the govermmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can bee a part of those laws and regulations. In allcases these stanards cay the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties. 美国焊接协会(AWS)的标准(准则、规范、推荐作法、方法、分类和指南),是按照美国国家标准学会(ANSI)的规 则编制的、自愿采用的、代表多数人意见的标准.

当美国焊接协会美国国家标准,一且进入或成为某个包括在联邦或州或其 他政府机构的法规文件的一部分时,它们的条款就承载着完全的法律法令效力.

在此场合,在它们成为那些法规的一部分之 前,美国焊接协会标准的任何更改,必须由有法定权限的政府机构批准.

在情况下,这些标准在采用AWS标准的合同或 其他文件中具有完全的法律效力.


AWS American Nationl Stanards are develpd throgh a cosnsus standads evelopmet process tht brings together olutrs representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus. While AWS administers the process and establishes rales to promote faies in the develpment of cnsensus it does not indpendently tes evalate or verify the acuracy of any infmation or the soundness of any judgments contained in is standards. 美国焊接协会美国国家标准是通过一个多数人同意的标准制定程序制定的,它把代表不同观点和不同利益的志愿者们结合在 一起,以达成代表多数人意见的标准条文.

AWS管理这个过程并建立规则来推进代表多数人意见的标准制定程序的公平, 它不独立地试验、评价和验证包含在其标准中的任何资料的正确性或任何判断的公正性.

AWS disclamsliblity fr any injuy to pns o to ppy oe daes of ay ntre whtsv whhr sial inirt consequential or pensatory directly or indirectly resulting from the publication use of or reliance on this standard. AWS also makes no guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy or pleteness of any information published herein. 美国焊接协会拒绝任何因本标准的发行、使用或信赖而产生的人身或财产伤害或其他自然损害的责任,无论是特殊的、间接 的、因果关系的或直接间接代偿性的.


In issuing an mking ths sandd aailable W is neth eraking orender prfessl the svicesf or o bhalf of any person or entity nor is AWS undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to somene else. Anyone using these documents should rely on his or her own indepenemt judgment or as appropriate scek the advice of a petent professnal in detemiing th xrcie frsbl cae in ay gin cirstans. I is asum th the ef thistanrd andits prisis s entrusted to appropriately qualified and petent personnel. 在发行和使本标准可用的过程中,美国焊接协会既没有承诺为了任何个人或实体的利益提供专业的或其他的服务,也没有承 诺为任何个人或实体对另外的人执行任何文务.

任何使用这些文件的人应当依赖于他或她的独立判断,或者适当地寻求有能 力的专业人员对确定任何特定情况下的实施和合理的注意事项以忠告.

应该说,本标准及其条款的应用要依赖于那些有适当 资格和能力的人员.

This sandard may be supersedd by the new editios This stanard may also be corcted through pulication of anmnts or cata or supplemented by pulication f addenda. Infomti on the laest ditins of AW standads including amendments erata and addenda is posted on the AWS web pae Uers should ensure that they have the latest editon amendments eaa and addenda. 本标准可能会被新版本所取代,本标准也可以通过发布修改单或期误表,或补充附录进行修正,AWS的最新版本的标准信息包 ii





