NFPA?855 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems 2023Edition NFPA 1BatterymarchPark Quincy MA021697471 An International Codes and Standards Organization
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855-1 Copyright @ 2022 National Fire Protection Association°. All Rights Reserved. NFPA° 855 Standard for the Installation ofStationaryEnergyStorageSystems 2023 Edition This edition of NFPA 855 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems was preparedbytheTechnicalCommitteeonEnergyStorageSystemsandactedonby theNFPA Council onugust 12 2022 with an effective date of September12022 and supesedes th previous edition. This edition of NFPA 855 was aproved as an American National Standard on September 1 2022. Origin and Development of NFPA 855 TheenrgystoragesstemprojcthatldtoheftditonfP55ndfth InstallaionofStationaryEryStorageSstemwasapprovedbythePAStandardsCoucilinpil of2016atrwhichcallrmmbrswaspostdhriginalrequestwassubmittedban individual on behalf of the California Energy StorageAlliance to address gaps inregulation identifiedinworkshops heldbytheUSDepartmentofEnergyandtheFireProtectionResearch Foundation.In August of that same year the Standards Council appointed the first NFPA Technical CommitteeonEnergyStorageSystems.Theinitaldraftwasdevelopedoverthecourse of three meetings by the technical mittee and was released to the public in 2017. Over the next 2 years the technical mittee met several times to reviewfeedback from the publicand to make improvements to the standard. The first edition was issued by the Standards Council on August 5 2019. The2023editionincludes ascopewhichcovers allenergy storage systems and lithiumbattery adoptionof the standard.Exemptionsspecifictoinstallationsunder the exclusive controlofutilities have been incorporated throughout the standard to address concerns if NFPA 855 is adopted for utility use. In response tointernationalincidents of ESsfiresrequirements forfire detection and suppressionxlosioncontrolxhastnlationastctinandthmalunawayhaven added or revised.The requirements for fire and exlosion testing (formally largescale fire testing) have been clarified. Requirements from Chapters 4 and 10 specific to electrochemical ESs havebeen consolidated and reorganized in Chapter 9. Chapter 13 has been aded to addressflywheel ESS. odxe additionalbattery tyeAnnex Ghasbeen adedasa guide for suppresson and safetyof lithium ionbatteryESS. NFPA and National Fire ProtectionAssociation are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Asociation Quincy Masachusets 02169.
NFPA 855-2023 固定储能系统安装标准 2023版(英文版).pdf
