INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 15848-1 Second edition 2015-06-01 Industrialvalves-Measurement testandqualificationproceduresfor fugitiveemissions- Part 1: Classificationsystem andqualification proceduresfortypetestingofvalves Robinetteriendustrell-Mesurageessaisetmodesoperatoire qualificationpouremissionsfugitives- Partie1:Systeme declassificationetmodes operatoires de qualificationpourlesessaisdetypedesappareilsderobinetterie Reference number ISO 15848-1:2015(E) Iso ISO 2015
ISO 15848-1:2015(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO 2015 All rightsreserved.Unlessotherwise specifiednopartof thispublicationmaybereproduced orutilized otherwiseinanyform orby anymeanslectronicormechanicalincludingphotocopyingrostingonthentrnetoranintranetwithoutprr written permission.Permission canberequested from either ISOat the address below orISO'smember body in the country of the requester. ISOcopyright office Case postale 56CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. 41 22 749 01 11 Fax 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2015 - All rights reserved
ISO 15848-1:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword. iv Introduction... vi 1 Scope. 1 2 Normativereferences. 1 3 Terms and definitions. 4 Symbols and abbreviations. 3 5 Type test. 4 5.1 Test conditions.. 4 5.1.1 Preparation of avalve tobe tested. 4 5.1.2 Test fluid.. 4 5.1.3 Test temperature. 4 5.1.4 Measurementof testvalve temperature. 4 5.1.5 Leakagemeasurement... 7 5.2 Test procedures.. 8 5.2.1 Safety rules. 8 5.2.2 Test equipment. 8 5.2.3 Stem(orshaft) sealadjustment (SSA) 8 5.2.4 Test description. 9 6 Performance classes. 11 6.1 Classification criteria. 11 6.2 Tightness classes. 11 6.2.1 Definition. 11 6.2.2 Helium as test fluid. 12 6.2.3 Methane as test fluid. 12 6.2.4 Correlations... 12 6.3 Endurance classes.. 12 6.3.1 Mechanical-cycle classesforisolating valves. 12 6.3.2 Mechanical-cycleclasses for control valves.. 14 6.4 Temperatureclasses.. 15 6.5 Examples of class designation. 16 6.6 Marking. 16 7 Reporting 16 8 Extension ofqualificationtountestedvalves. .17 AnnexA(normative)Totalleakratemeasurement. 19 Annex B(normative)Leak measurement using the sniffing method 32 Annex C(informative)Leak rate conversion(helium) 41 Bibliography 43 Alrightsreserved iii
ISO15848-1:2015(E) addition ofTable C.1 andmodification ofTableC.2. ISO15848consists of thefollowingparts under the generaltitleIndustrialvalves-Measurement test andqualificationproceduresforfugitiveemissions: -Part1:Classificationsystemandqualificationproceduresfortypetestingofvalves -Part2:Productionacceptancetestofvalves
ISO15848-1:2015(E) Introduction Theobjective of this part of ISo15848isto enable classification of performance of different designs and constructions of valves to reduce fugitive emissions. This part of ISo15848 defines type test for evaluation and qualification of valves where fugitive emissions standards are specified. The procedures of this partof ISO15848can only be used with the application of necessary precautions for testingwithflammable orinert gas at temperature and under pressure. ISO 2015 - All rights reserved