ISO 281-2007滚动轴承.动态载荷额定值和额定寿命(英文版).pdf


INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 281 Second edition 2007-02-15 Rollingbearings-Dynamicloadratings andratinglife Roulements-Chargesdynamiquesdebase etdureenominale Reference number ISO 281:2007(E) ISO 2007 Not for Resa
ISO 281:2007(E) PDF disclaimer shall notbeeditedunlessthetypefaceswhichareembeddedarelicensed toandinstalledontheputerperformingtheediingIn dowmloading thisfle.partiesaccept thereintheresponsbilityofnot infringingAdobeslicensingpolicyThe ISOCentralSecretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation the unlikely event that a problemrelating toitisfound please inform the CentralSecretariat at the address givenbelow. ISO 2007 electronicormechanicalincludingphotocopyingandmicroflmwithoutpermissioninwriingfromeitherISOattheaddressbelowor ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyrightoffice Case postale56CH-1211Geneva 20 Tel. 41 22 749 01 11 Fax 41 22749 09 47 E-mail Published in Switzerland affonalOraizanSadadafn ISO 2007 All rights reserved No repdudion o eking pemed wot nse rm HS Provided by IHS under license with ISO Not for Resale
ISO 281:2007(E) Contents Page Foreword... AI Introduction. V 1 Scope. 2 Normativereferences... 3 Terms and definitions... ..2 4 Symbols.... 5 Radial ball bearings... 5.1 Basicdynamicradialloadrating.. 6 5.2 Dynamicequivalentradial load... 9 5.3 Basicrating lif... 10 6 Thrust ball bearings.... 10 6.1 Basicdynamicaxial loadrating 10 6.2 Dynamicequivalent axial load... 12 6.3 Basicrating life. 13 7 Radialrollerbearings.... 13 7.1 Basicdynamicradialloadrating. 13 7.2 Dynamicequivalentradial load..... 15 7.3 Basic rating life. 16 8 Thrust roller bearings. 16 8.1 Basicdynamicaxial loadrating. 16 8.2 Dynamicequivalent axial load... 19 8.3 Basic rating life.. ...19 9 Modifiedratinglife.. 20 9.1 General. 20 9.2 Lifemodificationfactorforreliability 20 9.3 Lifemodificationfactorforsystemsapproach ..21 AnnexA(informative)Detailedmethod forestimating the contaminationfactor. 32 AnnexB(informative)Calculationof thefatigueload limit. 42 AnnexC(informative)Discontinuities in the calculation of basic dynamic loadratings. 47 Bibliography.. ...51 SHu pdN ded by IHS under license with ISO Not for Ressle
ISO281:2007(E) Foreword (ISOmemberbodies).TheworkofpreparingInternationalStandards isnormallycarriedout throughISO technical mittees.Eachmemberbodyinterested inasubjectforwhicha technical mitteehasbeen International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)on allmatters of electrotechnical standardization. adoptedbythetechnicalmitteesarecirculatedtothememberbodiesforvoting.Publicationasan International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. rights.ISO shall not beheld responsible for identifying any or all suchpatent rights. ISO281waspreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC4 ollingbearings SubmiteeSC8 Loadratings and life. Thissecondeditioncancels andreplaces the firstedition (ISO281:1990) ISO281:1990/Amd.1:2000 ISO281:1990/Amd.2:2000 and ISO/TS 16799:1999 which have been technicallyrevised. ISO 2007 Allrights reserved Ndd Net to Resle
ISO 281:2007(E) Introduction sufficientumberfbearingsinthatapplicationHweverifasdefinedin3.1isaprimaryreresentationf thesuitability.Areliablelifecalculationisthereforeconsideredtobeanappropriateandconvenientsubstitute for testing.The purpose of this International Standard is to provide the required basis for life calculation. loadlimit of the material etc.InISO281:1990/Amd.2:2000 ageneral methodwaspresentedtoconsider suchinfluencesinthecalculationofamodifiedratinglifeofabearing.Thisamendmentisincorporatedinthis InternationalStandard whichalsoprovidesapracticalmethodtoconsidertheinfluenceonbearinglifeof lubricationcondition contaminated lubricantandfatigueload ofbearingmaterial. ISO/TS16281[1]introducedadvancedcalculationmethodswhich enabletheusertotakeintoaccount the Theusercanalsoconsultthebearingmanufacturerforremendationsandevaluationofequivalentload andlifefortheseoperationconditionsandotherinfluencesas forexamplerollingelementcentrifugalforces orotherhigh-speedeffects. suchapplicationconditionsand/orofsuchinternaldesignwhichresult inconsiderabletruncationof theareaof areawhen the bearing is subjected to axial loading in theapplication.Bearing manufacturers should be consulted in such cases. Revisions of thisdocument will berequiredfrom time totime astheresult ofnew developments orin thelight of new information concerning specific bearing types and materials. ISO/TR86461)andISO/TR1281-2121 1)Under revision. Will be published under the reference ISO/TR 1281-1. opun SHI lq license whISO Net tor Resle





