INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 15242-1 First edition 2004-05-01 Rollingbearings-Measuringmethods forvibration- Part 1: Fundamentals Roulements- Methodes de mesurage des vibrations- Partie 1: Principes fondamentaux Reference number ISO 15242-1:2004(E) ISO 2004
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ISO 15242-1:2004(E) Contents Page Foreword.. .iv Introduction... V 1 Scope... 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions.... 1 4 Fundamental concepts. Bearing vibrationmeasuremen.. 3 4.1 Characteristics of an axis of rotation.... 3 4.2 4.3 Bearing errormo.tion.... 3 4.4 Bearing vibration... 5 4 5 Measurement process. Basis of measurement.. 6 5.1 6 5.2 Speed of rotation..... 6 5.3 Orientation of bearing rotational axis. 5.4 Bearing load. 6 5.5 Transducers.. 6 6 6 Measurement and evaluation methods. 7 6.1 Physical quantity measured.. 6.2 Frequency domain.. 6.3 Time domain.. 7 Transducerresponse and fiter characteristics.. 7 6.4 6.5 Method of time-averaging Testing sequence... ...9 6.6 10 7 Conditions for measurement. Bearing conditions formeasurement.. 10 7.1 10 7.2 Conditions of the test environment. 10 7.3 Conditions for the test device. 11 7.4 Requirements for the operator .. 11 8 Calibration and reference evaluation of measuring system. 11 8.1 Calibration of system ponents. Genera.. 11 8.2 11 8.3 System performance evaluation.... 12 Annex A (informative) Contact resonance considerations 13 Bibliography 14 ghs reserved 50 by IHS= Nigt lor Ret
ISO 15242-1:2004(E) Foreword established has the right to be represented on that mittee. International organizations governmental and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2. International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. adopted by the technical mittees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or al such patent rights. ISO 15242-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 4 Rolling bearings. ISO 15242 consists of the following parts under the general title Rolling bearings - Measuring methods for vibration: -Part 1:Fundamentals -Part 2: Radial ball bearings with cylindrical bore and outside surface Part 3: Radial double-row spherical and tapered roller bearings with cylindrical bore and outside surface @ ISO 2004 Allrghts reserved Net br Resal
ISO 15242-1:2004(E) Introduction Vibration in rotating rolling bearings can be of importance as an operating characteristic of such bearings. The audible noise when the vibration is transmitted to the environment in which the mechanical system operates. operation.Measuring the vibration output of anindividual bearing undera certain set of conditions does not necessarily characterize the vibration output under a different set of conditions or when the bearing bees incorporating the bearing is plicated further by the influence of the interface conditions the location and orientation of the sensing device and the acoustical environment in which the system operates. Assessment sound is further plicated by the subjective nature of the terms dlisagreeable and undesired. Structure- are addressed in the current edition of ISO 15242. This part of ISO 15242 serves to define and specify the physical quantities measured and the general test establish acceptance criteria with which to control bearing vibration. transducers and test conditions. No simple set of values characterizing the vibration of a bearing is adequate for the evaluation of the vibratory performance in all possible applications. Ultimately a knowledge of the type of bearing its application and the purpose of the vibration testing ( a manufacturing process diagnostic or an assessment of product quality) is required to select the most suitable method for testing. The field of applicationfor standardsonbearingvibration isthereforenot universal.However certainmethodshave established a wide enough level of application to be considered as standard methods for the purposes of this part of ISO 15242. This part of ISO 15242 serves to define the general principles involved in vibration measurement. It is osdo usse sp o s sd ng bearings with cylindrical bore and outside surface. nghtsreserved Nit lor Re
ISO 15242-1-2004(英文版).pdf