API RP 941-2016 炼油厂和石油化工厂用高温高压临氢作业用钢(中英文对照版).pdf


SteelsforHydrogenServiceat ElevatedTemperaturesand PressuresinPetroleumRefineriesand PetrochemicalPlants 炼油厂和石油化工厂用高温高压临氢作业用钢 APIRECOMMENDEDPRACTICE941美国石油学会推荐作法941 EIGHTHEDITION,FEBRUARY2016第八版,2016年二月 energy API Special Notes
APIRECOMMENDEDPRACTICE941 Page2 API推荐能法RP941 API publicationsnecessarilyaddress problemsof a generalnature.Withrespect toparticularcircumstanceslocal state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. API只能应用于解决具有普遍性的问题.

在特定的环境下,还应对照地方的、州的和联邦的法律及法规进行 审查.

NeitherPInoranyofPsemplyeessubcontractorsconsultantsmiteesrtherassigneesmakeny warrantyorrepresentation eitherexpress ormpliedwithrespect tothe accuracy pletenessorusefulnessof the informationcontainedhereinrassume any liability orresponsibility foranyueortheresultsof suchusef any API或者任何API雇员,分包商,顾问,委员会或者其他代理人都不能做任何担保或者承诺,也不能阐述或者暗指 本文包含的准确性,完整性,有用性的信息,也不能假设任何本中的信息或者工艺使用体现的可靠性,或者 责任,或者使用的结果.

API或者任何API雇员,分包商,顾问,委员会或者其他代理人使用本不能侵害私 有权利.

damage resuling from its use or for the violation of any authorities having jurisdiction with which this publication may conflict. API可能给任何想使用的人使用.


但是,我协会不做对此出版 物相关的任何承诺,担保或者保证,并拒绝对此使用导致损失或者损坏而承担责任,也拒绝对可能遭遇的有 权限的机构违背该规范而承担责任.

API publicationsarepublished to facilitate the broad availabityofproven soundengineeringandoperating practices. These publications are not intended to obviate the need for applying sound engineering judgment is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. API的出版是为了促进被证实了的,合理有效的工程技术和操作规程的广泛应用.

这些不是意在排除 关于何时何地应用这些的判断的需要.


issolelyresponsibleforplyingwithalltheapplicablerequirementsof thatstandardPldoesnotrepresent warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. 任何材料或者设备标明了符合API标准要求,那么制造方是唯一对符合该规范的要求的负责方.

API不会代表, 担保或者保证这些设备事实上是否已经满足采用的API标准.

Classified areasmayvary depending on the locationconditionsequipmentand substances involved in any given situation.Users of this Remended Practice should consult with the appropriate authorities having jurisdiction. 危害区域分类根据位置、条件、设备和与任何特定情况有关的物质而有所不同.

本推荐做法的使用者应和具有相应管 辖权的机构当局协商.

Comments please contact :Kelvinlewis.Liu@outlook.
API RECOMMENDEDPRACTICE941 Page3 API推荐能法RP941 Users of this Remended Practice should not rely exclusively on the information contained in this document. Sound business scientific engineering and safety judgment should be used in employing the information contained herein. 本推荐做法的用户不应完全依赖于本文档中包含的信息.

使用本文包含的信息时应采用正确合理的商业、科学、工程 方法和安全判断.

APlisnotundertaking tomeetthedutiesofmployersmanufacturersorsuppllerstwamandproperlytrainand equip their employees and others exposed conceming health and safety risks and precautions norundertaking their obligations to ply with authorities havingjurisdiction. API不会承担业主、制造商或供应商应该就健康,安全风险和预防措施警告,适当培训并装备其雇员和其他暴露在 危害区域的人员的责任,也不承担遵守具有管辖权的当局规定的义务.

Information concerning safety andhealthrisks and proper precautionswithrespect toparticular materials and conditions should be obtained from the employer the manufacturer or supplier of that material or the material safety data sheet. 有关安全和健康风险以及关于特定材料和条件下如何正确预防的信息应从业主、材料的制造商或供应商或材料安全数 据表MSDS中获得.

Where applicable authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted. 适用规范时,应当咨询有管辖权的机构当局.

Work sitesand equipment operations may difer.Users are solelyresponsible forassessing their specific usersshouldemloysoundbusinesscientifiengineeringand judgment safetywhenusing thisemended Practice. 工作现场和设备操作可能有所不同.


在 使用本推荐实践时,应采用正确合理的商业、科学、工程方法和安全判断.

AllrightsrervedNparf thsorkmarroducedranlatedstredinretrevalsystemrranitted byanymns electroicmcanicalpcoingecrdingrtheisewithoutriowrittemissionfrmthpulisherontactth Publisher API Publishing Services 1220 L Street NW Washington DC 20005. .

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地址:1220LStreet,N.W. Washington,D.C.20005.

Copyright 2016 American Petroleum institute Comments please contact : Keivinlewis.Liu@outilook.
API RECOMMENDEDPRACTICE941 Page4 API推荐能法RP941 Foreword Nothing contained in any API publication is to be construed as granting any right by implication orotherwise for the manufacturealerse of anymethodapparatusrproductcovered byletterspatent.either shouldanything API中的任何内容,都不能解释为(以暗示或其他方式)赋予任何人制造、销售或使用专利权所涵盖的任何 方法、仪器或产品的权力:也不能解释为担保任何人侵犯专利权而不承担责任.

Shall: As used in a standard shall denotes a minimum requirement in order to conform to the specification. Shal1“应”:本标准中,“应"表示最低要求以符合本规范.

Should: As used in a standard should denotes a remendation orthat which is advised but not required in order to conform to the specification. Should“宜”:本标准中,“宜表示推荐或建议的作法,并非要求以符合本规范.

This document was produced under API standardization procedures that ensure appropriate notication and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an APl standard. Questions concerning the interpretation of the content of this publication or ments and questions concerming the procedures under which this publication was developed should be directed in writing to the Director of Standards American Petroleum Institute220treet W WashingtonC205Requestsforermission toreroducertranslateallranyat of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. 本文件是按照API标准化工作程序制定的,该程序保证了制定过程的透明度和广泛参与:本文件被认定为API标准.

关于本标准内容解释方面的有关问题,或者关于标准制定程序方面的看法和问题,应以书面形式提交给美国石油学会 标准部主任,地址:1220LStreetN.W.Washington,D.C.20005.如果需要复制或翻译本标准的全部或部分内容, 也请与标准部主任联系.

Generaly.API standards are reviewed and revised reaffirmed or withdrawn at least every five years.A one-time extension of upto twoyearsmay be added to thisreviewcycle.Status of the publication can be ascertained fromthe API Standards Department telephone (202) 682-8000.A catalog of API publications and materials is published annually by API 1220 L Street NW Washington DC 20005. 通常,API标准最长每隔五年就要复审一次,复审的结果是修订、确认或撤销.

该五年复审周期可以延期一次,但延 期最长不超过两年.


API的和材料目录由API 每年公布一次,地址:1220L Street,N.W.Washington,D.C.20005 Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the Standards Department APl 1220 L Street NW Washington DC 20005 standards@api.org. 欢迎用户提出修订建议,这类建议应提交给API标准部,地址:1220LStreet,NW. Washington,DC.20005,或发 送电子邮件:standards@api.org Comments please confect :Keivinlewis.Lku@ouitliok.
API RECOMMENDEDPRACTICE941 Page5 API推荐他法RP941 Contents目录 ofed 1 Scope范围 1 2 NormativeReferences引用标准 1 3 OperatingExperience操作经验.. .2 3.2SelectingMaterialsforNewEquipment新设备的材料选择. 2 4 液相烃中的高温氢损伤(HTHA) 3.4BaseMaterialforRefractory-linedEquipmentorPiping耐火衬里设备或管道的基材选择 4 3.5ReferencesandCommentsforFigure1对图1的扩展建议和参考文献 4 Forms of HTHA HTHA的形式 7 4.1General综述 4.2SurfaceDecarburization表面脱碳. .8 4.3Internal Decarburization,Fissuring,andCracking内部脱碳,微孔和裂纹 .8 5 Factors Influencing Internal Decarburization Fissuring and Cracking Caused by HTHA. 6” 氢损伤引起的内部脱碳,微孔隙,开裂的影响因素 5.1IncubationTime孕育期 .9 5.2EffectofPrimaryStresses一次应力的影响 11 5.3EffectofSecondary Stresses二次应力的影响 ..11 5.4Effectof HeatTreatment热处理的影响 ..11 5.5EffectofStainlessSteelCladdingorWeldOverlay不锈钢衬里或者堆焊的影响 12 6 InspectionforHTHA高温氢损伤的检验 ...1. 6.1General综述 ...1.3 6.2References参考资料 Annex A (informative)HTHA of 0.5Mo Steels 0.5Mo钢的HTHA .15 Annex B (informative) HTHA of 1.25 Cr-0.5Mo Steel 1.25Cr-0.5Mo钢的的HTHA ..25 AnnexC(informative)HTHA of2.25Cr-1MoSteel2.25Cr-1Mo钢的HTHA .27 Annex D (informative) Effective Pressures of Hydrogen in Steel Covered by Clad/Overlay. .29 复层/堆焊后基材的有效氢分压





