DateofIssue:May2018 Affected Publication:API Specification 5L LinePipe Forty-Sixth Edition April2018 Errata1 Page 60 Table 22: The top five rows of the table shall read like below.Cells surrounded by a red box contain updated values: 114.3(4.500)to ≥12.6(0.495) 11.3 (0.445)to 10.9(0.429)to 10.1(0.396)to <141.3 (5.563) <12.6 (0.495) <11.3 (0.445) <10.9(0.429) 141.3(5.563)to ≥11.9 (0.469) 9.8(0.387)to 9.4(0.370)to 8.6(0.338)to <168.3(6.625) <11.9(0.469) <9.8(0.387) <9.4(0.370) 168.3(6.625)to ≥11.7 (0.460) 9.2(0.361)to 8.5(0.333)to 7.6(0.301)to <219.1(8.625) <11.7(0.460) <9.2(0.361) <8.6(0.333) 219.1(8.625)to ≥ 11.4 (0.449) 8.9(0.350)to 8.1(0.317)to 6.5(0.257)to <273.1(10.750) <11.4(0.449) <8.9 (0.350) <8.1(0.317) 273.1(10.750)to ≥11.2(0.442) 8.7(0.343)to 7.9(0.310)to 6.2(0.245)to <323.9(12.750) <11.2(0.442) <8.7(0.343) <7.9(0.310) LinePipe APISPECIFICATION5L FORTY-SIXTHEDITION APRIL2018 APIMONOGRAMPROGRAMEFFECTIVEDATE:MAY1 2019 ERRATA1 MAY2018 energy PI AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE SpecialNotes circumstances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. makeanywarrantyorrepresentation,eitherexpressorimplied,withrespecttotheaccuracy. foranyuseortheresultsfsuchuseofanyinformationorprocessdisclosedinthispublication.eithr APInoranyofAPsemployees subcontractors consultantsorotherassigneesrepresent thatuseof this publication would not infringe upon privately owned rights. ensure the accuracy andreliability ofthe datacontained in them;however theInstitute makes no having jurisdiction with which this publication may conflict. APIpublicationsarepublishedtofacilitate thebroadavailabilityofproven soundengineeringand operatingpractices.Thesepublicationsarenotintendedtoobviatetheneedforapplyingsound and publication ofAPl publications is not intended inany way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. Anymanufacturermarkingequipmentormaterialsinconformancewiththemarkingrequirementsof an standard. Classifiedareasmayvarydependingonthelocation conditions equpment andsubstancesinvolvedin any given situation.Users of this specification should consult with the appropriate authorities having jurisdiction. contained herein. APIisnotundertakingtomeetthedutiesofemployersmanufacturersorsupplierstowaandproperly Informationconcerningsafetyandhealthrisksandproperprecautionswithrespecttoparticularmaterials andconditionsshouldbeobtainedfromtheemployer themanufacturerorsupplierof thatmaterialrthe material safety data sheet. Allrightseeredparf thisworkmaybprodcedranatedorednretralstmrtranmit anymeanslectronicmechanicalphotocopyingecordingrtherwisewithoutpriorwrittenpermissionfromh publisher. Contact the publisher API Publishing Services 1220 L Street NW Washington DC 20005. Copyright@2018AmericanPetroleumInstitute Foreword NothingcontainedinanyAPIpublicationistobeconstruedasgrantinganyright byimplicationortherwise forthemanufacturealerfanymthodaparausrroductcoveredbylettrpatentth infringement of letterspatent. The verbal forms used to express the provisions in this specification are as follows: -the term “shall' denotes a minimum requirement in order to conform to the standard; conformtothestandard; - the term “can” is used to express possibility or capability. introduceitscontent,andexplainitsbackgrounddevelopment anditsrelationshipwithotherdocumentsor provide additional information intended to assist the understanding or use of the document. Thisdocument wasproducedunderAPIstandardization proceduresthatensureappropriatenotificationand participationinthedevelopmentalprocessandisdesignatedasanAPIstandard.Questionsconcerningthe whichthispublicationwasdevelopedshouldbedirectedinwritingtotheDirectorofStandards American PetroleumInstitute 1220LStreet w WashingtonDC20005.Requestsforpermissiontoreproducer translate alloranypartof thematerialpublished herein shouldalsobeaddressed totheDirector. GenerallyPstandardsarereviwedandrevisedreaffirmedrwithrawnatleastveryears.n timeextensionof upto2yearsmaybeaddedtothisreviewcycle.Statusof thepublicationcan be and materials is published annually by APl 1220 L Street NW Washington DC 20005. Suggestedrevisionsareinvitedand shouldbe submitted totheStandardsDepartment APl1220LStreet NW Washington DC 20005 Contents Scope 1.1 Coverage.... 1 1.2 Application of the API Monogram. 1 2 Normative References 1 3 TermsDefinitions SymbolsandAbbreviations 4 3.1 Terms and Definitions. 3.2 Symbols 11 Abbreviations.. 4 Conformity 14 4.1 Units of Measurement. 14 4.2 Rounding 14 5 Compliance toThisSpecification. 14 5.1 Quality. 14 5.2 OtherTerms andDefinitions 15 5.3 References to Annexes. 15 6 Pipe Grades and Steel Grades andDelivery ondition. 16 6.1 Pipe Grades and Steel Grades. 16 6.2 DeliveryCondition... 7 InformationtoBeSupplied bythePurchaser 18 7.1 General Information 18 7.2Additional Information 18 8 Manufacturing... 22 8.1 Process of Manufacture. 22 8.2 Processes Requiring Validation 24 8.3 StartingMaterial. 24 8.4 Tack Welds.... 25 8.5 WeldSeams in cowPipe. 26 8.6 WeldSeams in SAWPipe. 26 8.7 WeldSeams inDouble-seamPipe. 26 8.8 Treatment of WeldSeams in EWand LWPipe. 26 8.9Cold Sizing and Cold Expansion. 26 8.10Coil/PlateEndWelds. 27 8.11 Jointers..... 27 8.12Heat Treatment... 27 8.13 Traceability. 27 9 Acceptance Criteria. 28 9.1 General. 9.2 Chemical Composition... 28 9.3 TensileProperties 31 9.4 HydrostaticTest. 33 9.5 Bend Test. 33 9.6 FlatteningTest.. 33 9.7 Guided-bendTest 9.8 CVN Impact Test forPSL2Pipe.. 34 9.9DWT Test for PSL 2Welded Pipe. 35
API 5L-2020 Line Pipe 46th mod管线管(英文版).pdf