API 620-2021 大型焊接低压储罐的设计与建造(中英文对照版).pdf


APISTANDARD620 DesignandConstructionofLarge Welded Low-pressureStorageTanks 大型焊接低压储罐的设计与建造 TWELFTHEDITION OCTOBER2013 2013年10月第12版 ADDENDUM 1 NOVEMBER2014 2014年11月增补1 ADDENDUM2 APRIL2018 2018年4月增补2 ADDENDUM3 SEPTEMBER2021 2021年9月增补3 译者:gbt8163 2023.05.30
Special Notes特别说明 API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature.With respect to particular circumstances local, state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. The use of API publications is voluntary. In some cases third parties or authorities having jurisdiction may choose to incorporate API standardsbyreference and may mandate pliance. API 必然涉及一般性质的问题.


API 的使用是自愿的.

在某些情况下,具有管辖权的第三方或当局可能会选择通过引用纳入API标准,并可能 强制遵守.

Neither APlnor any of APl's employees subcontractors consultants mittees orother assignees make any warranty or representation either express or implied with respect to the accuracy for any use or the results of such use of any information or process disclosed in this publication.Neither API nor any of APl's employees subcontractors consultants or other assignees represent that use of this publication would not infringe upon privately owned rights. API或API的任何员工、分包商,顾问,委员会或其他受让人均不对本文所含信息的准确性、完整性 或有用性做出任何明示或暗示的保证或陈述,或对任何使用或此类使用的结果承担任何责任或责任,本出 版物中披露的任何信息或过程.

API和API的任何员工,分包商、顾问或其他受让人均不表示使用本出版 物不会侵犯私人拥有的权利.

APl publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so.Every effort has been made by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them;however the Institute makes no representation warrantyor guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims having jurisdiction with which this publication may conflict. 任何人都可以使用API.

研究所已尽一切努力确保其中所含数据的准确性和可靠性:然而,研 究所不对本作出任何陈述、保证或保证,并在此明确表示,对于因使用本而造成的损失或损 害,或对违反本可能与之冲突的任何管辖权的行为,不承担任何责任.

operating practices. These publications are not intended to obviate the need for applying sound engineering judgment regarding when and where these publications should be utilized.The formulation practices. 出版API是为了促进广泛提供经验证的、健全的工程和操作实践.

这些并不是为了排除 对何时何地应使用这些进行合理工程判断的必要性.

API的制定和发布无意以任何方式禁止 任何人使用任何其他做法.

Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an API standard is solely responsible for plying with all the applicable requirements of that standard. API does not represent warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. 任何符合 API标准标记要求的设备或材料制造商均全权负责遵守该标准的适用要求.

API并不代 表、保证或保证此类产品事实上符合适用的API标准.

Foreword前言 otherwise for the manufacture sale or use of any method apparatus or product covered by letters liability for infringement of letters patent. 任何API中的任何内容均不得被解释为通过暗示或其他方式授予制造,销售或使用专利函所涵 盖的任何方法,仪器或产品的任何权利.

该中包含的任何内容也不应被解释为向任何人投保侵犯专 利权的责任.

The verbal forms used to express the provisions in this document are as follows. 用于表达本文件规定的口头形式如下.

Shall:As used in a standard "shall denotes a minimum requirement in order to conform to the standard. 应:在标准中,“应”表示符合标准的最低要求.

Should: As used in a standard “should” denotes a remendation or that which is advised but not required in order to conform to the standard. 宜:在标准中,“宜”表示建议或建议但不要求的建议,以符合标准.

May: As used in a standard “may* denotes a course of action permissible within the limits of a standard. 可以:在标准中,“可以”表示在标准限制范围内允许的行动过程.


This document was produced under API standardization procedures that ensure appropriate notification and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an APl standard. Questions of Standards American Petroleum Institute 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington herein should also be addressed to the director. 本文件是根据API标准化程序编制的,以确保在开发过程中得到适当的通知和参与,并被指定为API 标准.

有关本内容解释的问题或有关本编制程序的意见和问题应以书面形式提交给美国石油 学会标准总监,地址:200 Massachusetls Avenue,Nw,Suite 1100,Washington,DC 20001.

复制或 翻译本文发布的全部或任何部分材料的许可申请也应提交给董事.

Generally API standards are reviewed and revised reaffirmed or withdrawn at least every five years. A ascertained from the Standards Department telephone (202) 682-8000. A catalog of API publications and materials is published annually by APl 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington D.C.20001. 适常,API标准至少每五年进行一次审查和修订、重申或撤销.



API 和材料目录每年由API出版,地址: 200 Massachusetts Avenue Nw Suite 1100 Washington D.C.20001.
Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the Standards Department APl 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001 standards@api.org. 请将建议的修订提交给美国石油学会标准部,地址:200 Massachusetts Avenue,Nw,Suite 1100. Washington. DC 20001 standards@api.org.
Contents 目录 1Scope 范围. 1.1 General概述 1.2Coverage 覆盖范围 1 1.3Limitations 限制 2References参考文献 6 3Definitions 定义. .10 3.1 StressandPressureTerms应力和压力术语. ...1. 3.2 CapacityTerms容量术语.. .10 3.3 Tank Wall 罐壁 ..10 3.4 WeldingTerms焊接术语 11 3.5 ThicknessTerms 厚度术语 13 3.6OtherTerms其他术语. -14 Materials 材料 4.1 General 概述 ..15 4.2Plates 钢板 .17 4.3Pipe,Flanges,Forging and Castings 管道、法兰、锻件和铸件 .24 4.4Boling Material螺栓材料.. .27 4.5Structural Shapes结构型钢. .28 4.6AnchorBoltingMaterial地脚螺栓材料. ..8 5 Design 设计.. ..31 5.1 General概述 .31 5.2Operating Temperature 工作温度 ...31 5.3PressuresUsedinDesign设计中使用的压力 .32 5.4 Loads 载荷. .33 5.5 MaximumAllowableStressforWalls罐壁的最大许用应力.. .35 5.6Maximum Allowable Stress Values for Structural Members and Bolts. 46 结构构件和螺栓的最大允许应力值 5.7 CorrosionAllowance腐惊裕量 ...0 5.8Linings 衬里. .50 5.9Procedure forDesigningTankWalls罐壁设计程序 .50





