API 687 -2023 特殊用途旋转设备维修(英文版).pdf


Special-purpose Rotating EquipmentRepairs APIRECOMMMENDEDPRACTICE687 SECONDEDITION OCTOBER2023 American Petroleum Institute
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Foreword Nothing contained in anyAPIpublication is tobe construedasgranting anyright byimplication or otherwiseforthemanufacturesale rusefanymethodapparatus rproductcoveredbyltt patent.Neither should anything contained in the publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. The verbal forms used to express the provisions in this document are as follows. Shall:As used in a standard *shal denotes a minimum requirement in order to conform to the standard. required in order to conform to the standard. Thisdocument wasproduced underAPIstandardizationproceduresthatensureappropriatenotification andparticipation in the developmentalprocessand isdesignatedas anAPlstandard.Questions proceduresunderwhich thispublication wasdeveloped shouldbedirected inwriting totheDirectorof 20001.Requestsforpermissiontoreproduce ortranslate alloranypart of thematerial published herein should also be addressed to the director. timeextensionofupto twoyearsmaybeadded tothisreviewcycle.Statusof thepublicationcanbe ascertainedfromtheAPIStandardsDepartment telephone(202)682-8000.AcatalogofAPIpublicationsand materials is published annually by APl 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. NOTEAbullet(-)atthebeginningofaparagraphindicatesthateithera decisionisrequiredorfurther informationistobeprovidedbytheowner.Thisinformation shouldbestated inthequotationrequest orinthe order. Massachusets Avenue NW Suite1100 Washington DC 20001 standards@api.org.
Contents Page ScopeandGeneralRemendations.. .1 1.1 Scope.... .1 1.2 General Remendations. .1 1.3 AlternativeProcedures. .2 1.4 ConflictingRequirements. .2 1.5 StatutoryRequirement.. .2 1.6 Unit Responsibility. .2 2 Normative References .2 3 Terms,Definitions Acronyms andAbbreviations .4 3.1 Terms andDefinitions.. .4 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations. 4 ProcessforInspection andRefurbishment. .10 4.1 General. .10 4.2 TypicalSequenceof Events. 10 4.3 OwnerSupplied InformationtoRepairShop. 4.4 Upgrade Alternatives. 13 4.5 Developing the Scopeof Repair. 13 5 Selection of a Repair Shop ..14 5.1 General .14 6 Communication.. ...1. 6.1 General 14 6.2 Meetings. 15 6.3 ElectronicDrawing andDataTransmittal. 15 6.4 Post-Shipments Review.... ..15 7 Shipmentof EquipmentorComponentstoorfromRepairShop 15 7.1 Preparationfor shipment. 15 7.2 Shipment. ...17 8 Receiving Inspection. ..17 8.1 Receiving of Components. 8.2 ReceivingInspection. .17 9 Disassembly. ..18 9.1 General 9.2 Disassemblyin the Repair Shop 18 10Inspections andCleaning ...20 10.1 General 20 21 10.3 Cleaning.. 22 10.4Visual Inspectionsof theAssembliesorComponents(AfterCleaning). 22 10.5Dimensional Inspections of theAssemblies orComponents(After Cleaning). 22 10.6 Inspection Results 23 11Inspection Methods and Testing. 23 11.1 General 23





