API 618-2024用于石油、化工和天然气工业服务的往复式压缩机(英文版).pdf


ReciprocatingCompressorsfor Petroleum Chemical andGasIndustry Services APISTANDARD618 SIXTHEDITION MAY2024 AP American Petroleum Institute
Special Notes API publicationsnecessarilyaddressproblemsofageneral ature.Withrespect toparticularcircumstances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed.The use of API publications is voluntary. reference and may mandate pliance. NeitherPInorany of AP's emloyees subcontractorsconsultantsmittes rotherassigneesmake usefulness of the infomation containedhereinorassume any liability orresponsibilityforanyuseor the resultsfsuchusefanyinfomationrprocessdislosedinthispublicationeitherPnranyf employees subcontractors consultants or other assignees represent that use of this publication would not infringe upon privately owned rights. Classified areas may vary depending on thelocationconditionsequipmentand substances involved in any given situation. Users of this standard should consult with the appropriate authorities having jurisdiction. Users of this standard shouldnot relyexclusively ontheinfomationcontainedin this documentSound business scientific engineering and safety judgment should be used in employing the information contained herein. [upeoudde umo si dojanap pinous Kueduoo yoea] juo sasodund uogensnj joj aue pesn saduexa au They are not to be considered exclusive or exhaustive in nature.APlmakes no warranties express or unoop sun u peujequo uogeoju au wouj suojso Aue jo uo aoueja jo peldu! Where applicable authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted. Work sitesandequipment perationsmaydifferUsersaresolelyresponsibleforassessingtherspecific equipment and premisesin determining theappropriateness of applying the instructionsAt alltimes sers should employ sound business scientific engineering and judgment safety when using this standard. API is not undertaking to meet the duties of employers manufacturers or suppliers to wam and properly nor undertaking their obligations to ply with authorities having jurisdiction. Information concemingsafetyand healthrisksandproperprecautionswithrespect toparticularmaterials and conditions should be obtained from the employer the manufacturer or supplier of that material or the material safety data sheet. ensure the accuracy and reliabity of the data contained in them; howeverthe Institute makes no representation warranty or guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability orresponsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use or for the violation of any authorities having jurisdiction with which this publication may conflict. APIpublications arepublished tofacilitate thebroadavailabilityof provensoundengineeringandoperating practices.These publicationsarenotintended toobviate theneed forapplying soundengineeringjudgment regarding when and where these publications should be utiized. The formulation and publication of API publications is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. standard issolelyresponsibleforplying withaltheapplicablerequirements ofthat standardAPldoes not represent warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced translated stored in a retrieval system or transmited by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written pemission from the DC 20001. Copyright @ 2023 American Petroleum Institute
Foreword This standard is based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of manufacturers and users of reciprocating pressors.Theobjective of thispublication is to provide apurchase specification to and gas industry services. The primary purpose of this standard is to establish minimum requirements. Energy conservation is of concernand has bee increasingly important in allaspects of equipment designplicatinandperationhsvativenergcnservingaroacheshouldaggreivl new equipment proposals since the evaluation of purchase options will be based increasingly on total life costs as opposed to acquisition cost alone. Equipment manufacturers in particular are encouraged to suggest altermatives to those specified when of safety or reliability. such approaches achieve improved energy effectiveness and reduced total life costs without the sacrifice Thisstandardrequiresthepurchasertospecifycertaindetails andfeaturesAlthoughitisrecognizedthat that such modifications deletions and amplifications be made by supplementing this standard rather than A bullet (▪) at the begining of a subsection or paragraph indicates that either a decision by or further information from the purchaserisrequired.Furtherinformation should be shown on the data sheets (see example in Annex A) or stated in the quotation request and purchase order. For effective use of this standard and ease of reference to the text the use of the data sheets in Annex A is remended. The purchaser's checklist in Annex D can also be used for purchaser's specific requirements or decisions. Usersof thisstandardshouldbe aware that furtherordifferingrequirementsmaybeneededforindividual applicationsThis standard isnotintended toinhibit avendorfrom offering.orthepurchaser fromaccepting. applicable where there is innovative or developing technology. Where an alternative is offered the vendor should identify any variations from this standard and provide details. Nothing contained inanyPIpublication istobeconstruedas granting anyright bymlication orotherwise infringement of letters patent. The verbal forms used to express the provisions in this document are as follows. Shall: As used in a standard *shall* denotes a minimum requirement in order to conform to the standard. in order to conform to the standard. May: As used in a standard *may" denotes a course of action permissible within the limits of a standard. Can: As used in a standard *can" denotes a statement of possibility or capability.
and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an API standard. Questions concerning under which this publication was developed should be directed in writing to the Director of Standards Requests for permission toreproduce or translate allor any part of the material published herein should American Petroleum Institute 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. also be addressed to the director. Generally API standards are reviewed and revised reafimed r withdrawn at least every five years.A one- ascertained from the API Standards Department telephone (202) 682-8000. A catalog of API publications and time extension of up to two years may be added to this review cycle. Status of the publication can be materials is published annually by API 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. Suggested revisions are invited and should be submited to the Standards Department APl 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001 standards@api.org.
Contents 1 Scope.. 2 Normative References.... 1 3 Terms Definitions Acronyms and Abbreviations .5 3.1 Terms and Definitions...... 12 .5 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations. 4 General.. 12 4.1 Unit Responsibility.... 12 4.2 Unit Conversion. 12 4.3 Nomenclature 12 5 Requirements. 12 5.1 Units of Measure. 12 5.2 Statutory Requirements. Language. 12 5.3 ..13 6 Basic Design... 13 6.1 General.. Bolting. 13 6.2 Calculating Cold Runout. 16 6.3 17 6.4 Allowable Speeds. 17 6.5 Allowable DischargeTemperature. 17 6.6 Critical Speeds.. CrossheadPin and GasLoads... 18 6.7 CompressorCylinders.. 18 6.8 18 6.9 Pistons PistonRodsandPistonRings Valves and Unloaders.... 22 6.10 CrankshaftsBearingsConnecting Rods Crossheadsand Crankcases... 26 24 6.11 6.12 Distance Pieces.. Packing Cases and Piston Rod Pressure Packing. 29 27 6.13 6.14 Materials. 31 6.15 Nameplates and Rotation Arrows. 39 7 Accessories. Drivers. 40 7.1 40 7.2 Couplings and Guards... 42 7.3 Reduction Gears.. 43 7.4 Belt Drives 44 7.5 Lubrication.. 44 7.6 CylinderJacket Water Systems. 48 7.7 Mounting Plates... 50 7.8 Piping.... Controls and Instrumentation.. 53 7.9 7.10 Intercoolers Aftercoolers and Separators. 59 57 7.11 Pulsation Suppression Devices... Pulsation and Vibration Control. 61 7.12 Air Intake Filters.. 71 7.13 .73 7.14 Special Tools. 74 8 Inspection and Testing .74 8.1 General.. .74 8.2 Inspection. Testing.... 75 77 8.4 Preparation for Shipment. .79 9 Vendor's Data. 80





