API RP 932-B-2019水处理反应堆废水空气冷却器(REAC)系统腐蚀控制的设计、材料、制造操作和检验指南(英文版).pdf


Design Materials Fabrication Operation andInspectionGuidelinesfor Corrosion Control inHydroprocessing ReactorEffluentAirCooler(REAC) Systems APIRECOMMENDEDPRACTICE932-B THIRDEDITION JUNE2019 energy API AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE
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Contents Page 2 Scope .1 2 Normative References. 2 3 TermsDefinitionsandAcronyms.. 3 3.1 Terms and Definitions. 3 3.2 Acronym.. 5 4 Background of REAC Corrosion.. 5 4.1 History of Reactor Effluent System Corrosion Surveys. 5 4.2 Typical Hydroprocessing Units. 6 4.3 Effluent Separation Designs. .8 4.4 REAC System Corrosion. 8 5 Strategies to Promote System Reliabity 11 5.1 General. Material Selection and Design 12 11 5.2 5.3 Establishing an Integrity Operating Window.. 12 5.4 Inspection Plans..... 13 9 Process Variables Affecting Corrosion 13 6.1 Ammonium Bisulfide Concentration. 13 6.2 Process Conditions at the Water Dew Point. 14 6.3 Fluid Velocities. 14 6.4 Hydrogen Sulfide (H S) Partial Pressure. 17 6.5 Flow Regime.. 18 6.6 Chlorides. 19 6.7 Cyanides 20 6.8 Other Process Variables. 21 6.9 Wash Water.. 21 6.10 Corrosion Inhibitors 23 6.11 Air Cooler Fan Operations... 24 6.12 Process Monitoring and Integrity Operating Windows (IOWs) .24 7 Materials of Construction.. 26 7.1 General.. Material Selection Criteria 26 7.2 .27 8 Equipment-specific Design Considerations. FinFan Air Coolers 31 8.1 31 8.2 Shell-and-tube Trim Coolers. 33 8.3 Hot High-pressure Separator (HHPS) 34 8.4 Cold High-pressure Separator(CHPS) 34 8.5 Heat Exchanger or Air Cooler Upstream of REAC 35 8.6 Piping and Valves.. 36 9 Inspection ofthe REAC System. 40 9.1 General. 40 9.2 Reactor Effluent Air Coolers 41 9.3 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers. 43 9.4 Piping. 43





