API STD 660-2020 管壳式换热器(中英对照版).pdf


Shell-and-TubeHeatExchangers 管壳式换热器 APISTANDARD标准660 NINTHEDITION MARCH2015 第9版,2015年3月 ADDENDUM1 AUGUST2020 增编,2020年8月1日 American Petroleum Institute 本译文难免有不妥当,欢迎各位批评指正 仅供学术交流,不得转作其他任何商业行为使用
This pge isinntioly lak. 本页有意空白
SpecialNotes特别说明 API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature. With respect to particular circumstances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. API解决一般性问题对于特殊情况应审查当地州和联邦的法律法规.

Neither P nor any of Pl'semployeessubcontractorsconsultantsmitteesrotherassigneesmake any the infomation contained herein rssume anyability rresponsibilityforanyuertheresultsf such uef any information or process disclosed in this publication. Neither API nor any of AP's employees subcontractors consultants or other assignees represent that use of this publication would not infringe upon privately owned rights. API或API的任何员工分包商顾问委员会或其他受让人均不对此处包含的信息的准确性完整性或实用性做出 任何明示或暗示的保证或陈远或承担任何责任或义务对于本申的任何信息或过程的任何使用或使用的结 果.


au eunsse o engsuj eu Aq apew uaeq sey uoge Aueng os op o fuujsep auofue Aq pasn aq Keu suoeoqnd Id accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them; however the Institute makes no representation warranty or guarantee in connection with this publicationandhereby expressly disclaims any liability orresponsibityfor loss or damage resulting fromits use or forthe violation of any authorities having jurisdiction with which this publication may conflicL希望任何人都可以使用API该研究所已尽一切努力确保其中所含数据的准确性和可靠性:但是 会不对本进行任何陈运,保证或担保,特此明确声明,对于因使用本或选反任何与本可能发生 冲突的管辖权而造成的损失或损害不承担任何责任.

practices.Thesepublicationsarenot intended toobviate theneedforapplying soundenginering judgment regarding when and where these publications should be utilized. The formulation and publication of API publications 出版了API,以促进广泛使用经过验证的合理工程和操作实践.

这些并非旨在消除对何时何地使用这些 进行合理的工程判断的需要API的制定和发布并不以任何方式禁止任何人使用任何其他实践.

Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an API standard is solely responsible for plying with all the applicable requirements of that standard. API does not represent 符合API标准标记要求的任何制造商标记设备或材科均应独自负责遵守该标准的适用要求API并不代表保证 或保证此类产品确实符合适用的API标准.

Users of this Standard should not rely exclusively on the information contained in this document. Sound business scientific engineering and safety judgment should be used in employing the information contained herein. 本标准的使用者不应仅依靠本文件中包含的信息在使用此处包含的信息时应使用合理的业务,科学,工程和安全 判断力 suu Aue Aq pesu so wss eu e u peos pelsun pnpda eq e xom s o ed on pasu su i electronicmcnical ptocyingrecordingorothewise without rrwriten emissin frm th pulisherContact t Publisher APi Publishing Services 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 110 Washington DC 20001. 未经出版商事先书面许可不得复制翻译,将其存储在检索急统中或以任何方式(电子机械影印录制成其 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. 他方式)传播本作品的任何部分与发布者联票API发布服务 Copyright @ 2015 American Petrofeum Institute
Foreword前言 Nothing contained inanyAPIpublication s tobe construedas granting anyright by mlication ortherwise for the manufacture sale ruse ofanymethodapparatusor product covered by letters patent.either should anything contained inthepublicationbe construedasinsuring anyoneagainst liabity forinfringement of letters patent 任何API中包含的任何内容均不得解释为以暗示或其他方式投予制造销售或使用字母专利所涵盖的任何方 法设备或产品的任何权利中包含的任何内容均不应解释为确保任何人免于侵犯字母专利的责任.

Shall:Asusedin astandard shal denotesaminimumrequirement in order to confom tothespecifiction. 应:在标准中,“应”表示符合规范的最低要求 Should:Asused inastandard should denotes aremendation orthat whichis advisedbutnot required in order to conform to the specification. This document was produced under APl standardization procedures that ensure appropriate notification and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an APl standard. Questions conceming the interpretation of the content of this publication or ments and questions concerning the procedures under which this publication was developed should be directedinwriting to the DirectorofStandards American Petroleum reproduce or translate all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. 本文柏是根据API标准化程序制作的,以确保透当的通知和参与开发过程并被指定为API标准有关解释本 内容的问题或意见以及有关开发本所依据的程序的问题,应以书面形式直接提交给华盛顿特区马萨诸塞 求也应发递给主任.

Generally APl standards are reviewed and revised reaffirmed or withdrawn at least every five years. A one-time extension of up to two years may be added to this review cycle. Status of the publication can be ascertained from the API Standards Department telephone (202) 682-8000. A catalog of API publications and materials is published annually by API 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. 递常,API标准至少每五年进行一次检查和修订,确认或微消此审核周期可能会延长一次,最长为两年.

可以通过 API标准部的电话(202)682-8000确定的状态API和材料日录每年由API发布地址为:NW Massachusetts AvenueNWNWSuite 1100华盛顿特区20001- Suggested revisions are invited and should be submited to the Standards Deparment欢迎提出建议的修it,并 standards@api.org. 应将其提交标准部].API 200 Massachusetts Avenue,NW Suite 1100 Washington DC20001
Contents目录 Page Scope范围.... 1 2NormativeReferences规范性引用 3 Terms and Definitions术语和定义 4 General 概运... 5 Proposal Information Required初步信息要求 6 Drawings andOther RequiredData图低和其他所需数据. 6.1Outline Drawings andOther SupportingData外形图和其化支持数据........... 6.2Information Required After Outline Drawings Are Reviewed审查外形图后所富的信息... 4 6.3Reports and Records 极告和记录.. 6 7 7 Design设i计........ 8 7.1 8 Cladding for CorrosionAllowance熔覆扇蚀余量. 7.3ShellSupports外壳支架... 8 7.4Stationary and Floating Heads 国定和济动头. 8 9 7.5Tube Bundle管....... 10 7.6Nozzles and Other Connections喷嘴和其他连接 15 7.7Flanged External GirthJoints法兰式外环接头 17 21 7.9ExpansionJoints 膨股節 21 7.10 Gaskets垫图..... 23 7.11HandlingDevices必理设备 25 7.12Requirements for Hydrogen Service氢气使用要求 .25 8 Materials材料.. 25 8.2Requirements for Carbon Steel in Sour or Wet Hydrogen Sulfide Service... 8.1General 概速 25 26 酸性或湿式硫化氢服务中碳钢的要求 8.3Gaskets垫图...... 26 8.4Tubes传热管. 26 9 Fabrication制造 27 9.1 Shells 别体.. 27 9.2Pass-partition Plates通道分品板.. 27 9.3Connection Junctions 连接结点 27 9.4 Tubes管.... 27 9.5Welding锌楼 27 9.6Heat Treatment热处理 28 9.7Dimensional Tolerances尺寸公差 30 9.9Tube Holes 管孔.... 31 9.10Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints管到管板接头 31 9.11 Assembly 部件..... ..32





