API 650-2020焊接石油储罐 (中英文对照版).pdf


APISTANDARD650 WeldedTanksforOilStorage 焊接石油储罐 THIRTEENTH EDITION MARCH2020 2020年3月第13版 API MONOGRAM PROGRAM EFFECTIVE DATE:SEPTEMBER 1 2020 生效日期:2020年9月1日 Errata1 January2021 2021年1月勘误1 2023.03.26
SpecialNotes特别说明 API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature.Withrespect to particular circumst- ances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. API必然涉及一般性质的间题.


make any warranty or representation either express or implied with respect to the accuracy pleteness or usefulness of the information contained herein or assume any liability or responsibility for any use ortheresults of suchuseof anyinformation orprocess disclosedin this publication.Neither API norany of APls employees subcontractors consultants or otherassigneesrepresent that use f this publication would not infringe upon privately owned rights. API或API的任何员工、分包商、顾问、委员会或其他受让人均不对本文所含信息的准确性、完整性 或有用性做出任何明示或暗示的保证或陈述,或对任何使用或此类使用的结果承担任何责任或责任,本出 版物中技露的任何信息或过程.

API和API的任何员工、分包商,顾问或其他受让人均不表示使用本出版 物不会侵犯私人拥有的权利.

assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them;however the Institute makes no representation warrantyorguarantee in connection with thispublication and hereby expressly disclaims s having jurisdiction with which this publicationmay conflict. 任何人都可以使用API.

研究所已尽一切努力确保其中所含数据的准确性和可靠性:然而,研究所 不对本作出任何陈述、保证或保证,并在此明确表示,对于因使用本面造成的损失或损害, 或对违反本可能与之冲突的任何管辖权的行为,不承担任何责任.

APl publications are published to facilitate the broad availability of proven sound engineering and operating practices. These publications are not intended to obviate the need for applying sound engineering judgment regarding when and where these publications should be utilized. The formulation and publication of APl publications is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. 出版API是为了促进广泛提供经验证的、健全的工程和操作实践.

这些并不是为了排除 对何时何地应使用这些进行合理工程判断的必要性.

API的制定和发布无意以任何方式禁止 任何人使用任何其他做法.

Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an so s eeosas API does notrepresent warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the appliable APl standard. 任何符合API标准标记要求的设备或材料制造商均全权负责遵守该标准的适用要求.

API并不代 表、保证或保证此类产品事实上符合适用的API标准.

APlisnot undertaking tomeet the dtiesfemloyersmanufacturersrsuplierstowanand prerly train and equip their employees and others exposed concerning health and safety risks and precautionsorundertaing theirobligationstoplywithauthoritieshavingjurisdiction. API不承诺履行雇主、制造商或供应商的职责,就健康和安全风险和预防措施向其员工和其他暴露在 外的人员发出警告,并对其进行适当的培训和装备,也不承担遵守有管辖权的部门的义务.

Notice注意 在持续维护下提交本标准修订建议的说明 The American Petroleum Institute maintains this standard under continuous maintenance procedures. These procedures establish a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions including timely and documented consensus action on requests for revisions to any part of the standard. See Annex D for additional information.Proposed revisions shall be submitted to the Director Standards Department American Petroleum Institute 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC20001 standards@api.org. 美国石油学会根据持续维护程序维护本标准.




建议的修订应 提交给美国石油学会标准部主任,地址:200Massachusetts Avenue,NW,Suite 1100,Washington. DC20001.standards@api.org.
Foreword前言 This Standard is based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of Purchasers and Manufacturers of welded oilstorage tanks of various sizes and capacities forinternal pressures not more 本标准基于买方和制造商积累的各种尺寸和容量的焊接储油罐的知识和经验,其内部压力不超过17.2 kPa(2-1/2磅/平方英寸).


If the tanks are purchased in accordance with this Standard thePurchaser is required to specify certain basic requirementsThe Purchasermay want to modify delete oramplify sections of thisStandardbut reference to this Standard shall not be made on the nameplates of or on the Manufacturer's certification strongly remended that any modifications deletions or amplifications be made by supplementing 如果储罐是根据本标准购买的,则要求买方规定某些基本要求.

买方可能希望修改、删除或扩大本标 准的章节,但对于不符合本标准最低要求或超过其限制的储罐,不得在铭牌或制造商证书上引用本标准.


s is by the Purchaser and the Manufacturer. This Standard is not to be interpreted as approving remending orendorsinganyspecificdesignoraslimiting themethodofdesignorconstruction. 本标准中给出的设计规则是最低要求.

当买方和制造商达成一致意见时,买方规定或制造商提供的更 严格的设计规则是可以接受的.

本标准不得解释为批准、推荐或认可任何特定设计,也不得解释为限制设 计或施工方法.

The verbal forms used to express the provisions in this document are as follows. 用于表达本文件规定的口头形式如下.

Shall: As used in a standard shall denotes aminimum requirement in order to conform to the standard. 应:在标准中,“应”表示符合标准的最低要求.

Should:As used in a standard “should” denotes a remendation or that which is advised but not required in order to conform to the standard. 宜:在标准中,“宜”表示建议或建议但不要求的建议,以符合标准.

May:As used in a standard *may” denotes a course of action permissible within the limits of a standard. 可以:在标准中,“可以”表示在标准限制范围内允许的行动过程.

Can:As used in a standard can denotes a statement of possibility or capability 能够:在标准中,“能够”表示可能性或能力的陈述.

regulationsmore stringent than the specifications in this Standard.When thisStandard is specified for such tanks it should be followed insofar as it does not conflict with local requirements. The Purchaser is responsible for specifying any jurisdictional requirements applicable to the design and construction of the tank. 本标准不适用于将安装在比本标准规范更严格的法规区域的储端.

当本标准规定用于此类储罐时,应 在不与当地要求相冲突的情况下予以遵守,买方负责规定适用于储罐设计和施工的任何管辖要求.

esenss s after the date of issue. The tank nameplate shall state the date of the edition of the Standard and any revision to that edition to which the tank has been designed and constructed.

储罐铭牌应注明本标准的版本日期以及储罐 设计和建造时对该版本的任有修订.

Each edition revision or addenda to this API Standard may be used beginning with the date of issuance shwnhvgfthadiinrvisnrddndaahdinreviinrddnda API Standard bees effective six months after the date of issuance for equipment that is certified as issuance of the edition revision or addenda and the effective date the Purchaser and the Manufacturer shall specify to which edition revision or addenda the equipment is to be constructed and inspected. 本API标准的每个版本、修订版或附录可从该版本、修订版本或附录封面所示的发布日期开始使用.


在版本、修订版或附录发布之日至生效日期之间的六个月时间内,买方和制造商应规定设备的建造和检查 应采用哪种版本,修订版本或附录.

For API Monogram Program licensees and APIQRProgram registrants this standard shallbee effective on the program date printed on the cover but may be used voluntarily from the date of publication. 对于API徽标程序许可证持有人和APIQR计划注册人,本标准应在封面上印刷的计划日期生效,但 可自出版之日起自愿使用.





