PumpsShaftSealing Systemsfor Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps APISTANDARD682 FOURTHEDITION MAY2014 REAFFIRMED MARCH2022 American Petroleum Institute
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Contents Page 1 Scope 2 Normative References. 3 Terms Definitions and Symbols.. 3 3.1 TermsandDefinitions. 3 3.2 Symbols.. 12 4 SealingSystems 13 4.1 SealCategoriesTypes andArrangements 13 4.2 Objectives.. 15 4.3 Specifying and/orPurchasingaSealingSystem. 15 5 General.. 23 5.1 Unit Responsibility... 23 5.2 Dimensions 23 6 DesignRequirements 23 6.1 CommonDesignRequirements(AllCategories). 23 6.2 DesignRequirements(Category-specific) 45 7 SpecificSeal Configurations 48 7.1 Arrangement1Seals. 48 7.2 Arrangement 2 Seals. 49 7.3 Arrangement3Seals. 52 8 Accessories 54 8.1 General 54 8.2 PipingforSeal AuxiliarySystems. 56 8.3 Components of Seal Auxiliary Systems(if Specified in Annex G) 59 9 Instrumentation. 72 9.1 General. 72 9.2 Temperature-indicating Gauges 72 9.3 Thermowells. 73 9.4 Pressure Indicators. 73 9.5 Transmitters and Switches.. 73 9.6 Level Indicators. 74 9.7FlowInstruments.. 74 9.8Relief Valves. 74 9.9Pressure Control Valves.. 75 9.10 Pressure Amplifiers. 75 10Inspection Testing andPreparationf 75 10.1 General. 75 10.2 Inspection. 75 10.3Testing 76 10.4Preparation for Shipment. 80 11 DataTransfer 81 11.1 General.... 81 11.2Data RequirementForms. 82 11.3 Datasheet. 82 11.4 Inspector Checklist.. 82