API 670-2014机械设备保护系统 R2022(英文版).pdf


MachineryProtectionSystems APISTANDARD670 FIFTHEDITION NOVEMBER2014 REAFFIRMED MARCH2022 American Petroleum Institute
SpecialNotes API publicationsnecessarilyaddressproblems ofa general nature.Withrespect toparticular circumstances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. NeitherPInoranyofPlsemployeessubcontractorsconsultantsmittees orotherassigneesmakeany warrantyorrepresentation eitherexpressorimpliedwithrespecttotheaccuracypletenessorusefulnessofthe information contained herein or assume any liability orresponsibility for any use ortheresults of such use of any information orprocessdisclosedinthispublication.NeitherAPInoranyofAPI's employees subcontractors consultants or other assignees represent that use of this publication would not infringe upon privately owned rights. Users of this standard shouldnotrely exclusively on the information contained in this document.Soundbusiness scientific engineering and safety judgment should be used in employing theinformation contained herein. accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them;however the Institute makes no representation warranty or damage resulting from its use or for the violation of any authorities having jurisdiction with which this publication may conflict. APIpublicationsarepublishedtofacilitate thebroadavailabilityofproven soundengineeringandoperating practices.Thesepublications arenotintended toobviate theneed forapplying soundengineeringjudgment is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. Anymanufacturermarkingequipment ormaterialsinconformancewiththemarkingrequirementsofanAPIstandard is solelyresponsible for plying with allthe applicablerequirements of that standard.API does not represent warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. Allrighreedrfthiswrkmayrroduedranlatestoredinretrievmrtranmityanym Publisher API Publishing Services 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington DC 20001-5771. Copyright@2014AmericanPetroleum Institute
Foreword manufactrealrufanymthdaparatusrrodutvredbyttspatnt.ithrhouldanyn Shall: As used in a standard shall denotes a minimum requirement in order to conform to the specification. Should:Asusedina standard shoulddenotes aremendation orthat which is advisedbut not required in order toconform to thespecification. Thisdocumentwasproducedunder APIstandardizationprocedures that ensureappropriate notification and participation in thedevelopmentalprocessand isdesignatedasanAPI standard.Questions concermingthe interpretation of thecontentof thispublication ormentsandquestions concerning theprocedures underwhich thispublicationwasdevelopedshouldbedirectedinwritingtotheDirectorofStandards American reproduce or translate all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. Generally APIstandardsarereviewedandrevised,reaffirmedorwithdrawnatleasteveryfiveyears.Aone-time APIStandards Departmenttelephone(202)682-8000.A catalogofAPlpublications andmaterialsis published annually by API 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington DC 20001-5771. Avenue NW Washington DC20001-5771 standards@api.org.
Contents Page Scope 1.1 General. 1 1.2 Alternative Designs.. 1 1.3 Conflicting Requirements.. 1 2 Normative References.. 1 3 TermsDefinitionsAcronymsandAbbreviations 3 3.1 TermsandDeinitions....... 3 3.2 AcronymsandAbbreviations26 4 General Design Specifications. 27 4.1 Component Temperature Ranges 27 4.2 Humidity.. 27 4.3 Shock 28 4.4 Chemical Resistance.... 28 4.5 Accuracy.. 28 4.6 Interchangeability 31 4.7 ScopeofSupplyandResponsibility 31 4.8Segregation.. 31 4.9SystemEnclosuresandEnvironmentalRequirements 31 4.10Power Supplies........... 4.11MachineryProtectionSystemFeatures/Functions. 35 4.12System OutputRelays 38 4.13Digital CommunicationLinks. 39 4.14SystemWiring andConduits.... 40 4.15Groundingof theMachineryProtectionSystem. 42 4.16SystemSecurity Safeguards Self-tests andDiagnostics 4.17 Reliability... 44 5 Sensors and Transducers 44 5.1 RadiaShafVibrationAxialositionPhaseReerenceeedSensingFlowandPistonod Transducers44 5.2 SeismicTransducers.. 48 5.3 Temperature Sensors. 6 Sensor and TransducerArrangements. 52 6.1 Locations and Orientation 52 6.2 Mounting....... 60 6.3 Identification ofSensorSystems....... 62 7 VibrationMonitorSystems. 7.1 General. 62 7.2 Power Supplies 64 7.3 SystemOutput Relays 64 7.4 MonitorSystems 65 7.5 Location of MonitorSystems. 8 ElectronicOverspeed DetectionSystem 71 8.1 General. 71 8.2 Accuracy. 72 Segregation 72





