Petroleum Petrochemical andNatural GasIndustries-Air-cooledHeat Exchangers APISTANDARD661 SEVENTHEDITION JULY2013 REAFFIRMED JULY2024 American Petroleum Institute
SpecialNotes API publicationsnecessarily address problems of a general nature.Withrespect to particular circumstances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. NeitherAPInoranyofAP'semployees,subcontractorsconsultantsmittees orotherassigneesmakeany warantyrrresentationeithrxressrmlidwithresecttothaccuracyleteessrusefulnessft information containedherein or assume any liability orresponsibility for any use or the results of suchuse of any information or process disclosed in this publication.Neither API nor anyof API's employees subcontractors Users of this standard should not rely exclusively on the information contained in this document.Sound business Work sites and equipment operationsmay differ.Users are solelyresponsible forassessing their specificequipment and premises in determining the appropriateness of applying the standard.At all times users should employ sound business scientific engineering and judgment safety when using this standard. accuracyandreliabilityofthedatacontainedinthem;however theInstitutemakesnorepresentation warrantyor guarantee in connection with thispublication andhereby expressly disclaims any liability orresponsibilityfor lossor damage resulting fromits use orforthe violation of any authorities having jurisdiction with which this publicationmay conflict. practices.Thesepublications are not intended toobviate the needfor applying sound engineering judgment Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an API standard issolelyresponsibleforplyingwithalltheapplicablerequirementsof thatstandard.APIdoesnotrepresent warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. Allrightsreeredpartf thiworkmaybereproducedtransatedstoredinretrievalystemrransmittedbyanymean electronicmchanicalhtcoyinecordingrthisewitoupririttenmissinfmthulisonatt Publisher API Publishing Services 200 Massachusetts Avenue NV Washington DC 20001. Copyright @2013AmericanPetroleum Institute
Foreword manufacturealerfanymthodapraturprodutcveredbttrspaentithrhouldanyhing contained in the publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. Shall: As used in a standard shal denotes a minimum requirement in order to conform to the specification. Should:Asused in a standard *should denotes a remendation or that which is advised but not required in order toconformto thespecification. participation in thedevelopmental processand is designatedasanAPIstandard.Questionsconcerning the interpretation of the content of thispublication or ments andquestions concerning the procedures under which Institute200MassachusetsAvenue WashingtonDC000.Requestsforpemissontoreproducertranslat all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. API Standards Department telephone (202) 682-8000. A catalog of API publications and materials is published annually by API 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington DC 20001. Suggestedrevisions are invitedand should be submited to the Standards Department APl 200 Massachusetts Avenue Nw Washington DC20001
Contents Page Scope 2 NormativeReferences. 1 3 Terms and Definitions. 2 4 General 5 5 Proposals 7 6 Documentation. 7 6.1 Approval Information. 7 6.2 Final Records. 9 7 Design. 9 7.1 TubeBundleDesign 7.2 Air-sideDesign 23 7.3 Structural Design. 35 8 Materials. 39 8.1 General. 39 8.2 RequirementsforCarbon SteelinSour or Wet HydrogenSulfideService 40 Headers.. 40 8.4 Louvers. 40 8.5 Other Components 41 9 Fabrication of Tube Bundle 41 9.1 Welding... 41 9.2 Postweld HeatTreatment. 42 9.3 Tube-to-TubesheetJoints. 42 9.4 Gasket Contact Surfaces 43 9.5 Thread Lubrication 44 9.6 AlignmentandTolerances 44 9.7 Assembly 44 10 Inspection Examination andTesting. 44 10.1 Quality Control... 44 10.2 Pressure Test. 47 10.3 Shop Run-in. 47 10.4Equipment Performance Testing.. 47 10.5 Nameplates.. 47 11 PreparationforShipment. 48 11.1 General. 48 11.2Surfaces and Finishes 48 11.3Identification andNotification 48 12 Supplemental Requirements 48 12.1 General. 48 12.2 Design. 49 12.3Examination. 49 12.4Testing 50