Packaged Integrally Geared Centrifugal Air Compressors for Petroleum Chemical and Gas IndustryServices APISTANDARD672 FIFTHEDITION AUGUST2019 energy NPI AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE
SpecialNotes API publications necessarily address problems of a general natureWithrespect to particular circumstances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. Neither APl nor any of APl's employees subcontractors consultants mittees or other assignees make any warantyrrresentationeitherxpressrmlidwithresecttothaccuracyleteessrusefulnessft information contained herein or assume any liability orresponsibility for any use or theresults of such use of any information or process disclosed in this publication.Neither API nor any of API's employees subcontractors Users of this standard should notrelyexclusively on the information contained in this document.Sound business API is not undertaking to meet the duties of employers manufacturers or suppliers to warn and properly train and equip their employees and others exposed concerning health and safety risks and precautions nor undertaking their obligations to ply with authorities having jurisdiction. accuracyandreliabilityofthedatacontainedinthem;however theInstitutemakesnorepresentation warrantyr guarantee inconnection with thispublication andherebyexpressly disclaims anyliabilityorresponsibilityforlossor damage resulting fromits use orforthe violation of any authorities having jurisdiction with which this publicationmay confict. practices.Thesepublicationsare not intended toobviate the need for applying soundengineering judgment is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. issolelyresponsibleforplyingwithalltheapplicablerequirementsof thatstandard.APIdoesnotrepresent warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. electronic mechanical photocopying recording.or otherwise without priorwritten permission from the publisher.Contact the Publisher API Publishing Services 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. Copyright @2019AmericanPetroleum Institute
Foreword manufacturealerfanymthdapparatusrroductcveredbytterspatnt.eitherhouldanyhng contained inthe publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability forinfringement of letters patent. The verbal forms used to express the provisions in this document are as follows. Should: As used in a standard “should" denotes a remendation or that which is advised but not required in order to conform to the standard. May: As used in a standard *may denotes a course of action permissible within the limits of a standard. This document wasproducedunderAPI standardizationprocedures that ensure appropriatenotification and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an API standard.Questions concerningthe interpretationof the content of thispublicationor ments andquestionsconcerming theproceduresunderwhich thispublicationwasdeveloped shouldbedirectedinwritingtotheDirectorofStandards AmericanPetroleum or translate allor any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. API Standards Department telephone(202)682-8000.Acatalog of API publications and materials is published annually by API 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the Standards Department APi 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001
Contents Page Scope 2 Normative References. 1 3 Terms Definitions Acronyms andAbbreviations 4 3.1 Terms and definitions. 4 3.2 10 4 General.. 12 4.1 Unit Responsibility 12 4.2 Nomenclature.. 12 5 Requirements. 12 5.1 Units of measurement. 12 5.2 StatutoryRequirements 12 5.3 DocumentRequirements 13 6 Basic Design 13 6.1 General 13 6.2 Pressure Casings 18 6.3 Casing Connections 18 6.4 ExternalForces andMoments. 19 6.5 Rotating Elements. 20 6.6 Seals and Sealing Systems 21 6.7 Dynamics 21 6.8 BearingsandBearingHousings 23 6.9 Lubrication... 24 6.10 Materials. 25 6.11Nameplatesand RotationArrows 27 28 7 Accessories 30 7.1 Drivers. 30 7.2 Couplings and Guards 31 7.3 Baseplate/SupportStructure.. 33 7.4 Controlsand Instrumentation 34 7.5 Piping. 41 7.6 IntercoolersandAftercoolers 42 7.7 Inlet Air Filter 43 7.8 Discharge Blowoff Silencer. 43 7.9 Special Tools 43 7.10 Additional Accessories Requirements for 44 8 Inspection Testing andPreparation for Shipment. 45 8.1 General. 45 8.2 Inspection.. 46 8.3 Testing 46 8.4 PreparationforShipment. 49 8.5 Packages Only.. 50 9 Vendor'sData. 51 9.1 General 51
API 672 2019用于石油、化工和天然气工业服务的封装式全齿轮离心式空气压缩机(英文版).pdf