API RP 572 2023石油和天然气工业产品供应组织的质量管理体系要求(英文版163页).pdf


InspectionPracticesforPressure Vessels APIRECOMMENDEDPRACTICE572 FIFTHEDITION NOVEMBER2023 AP! American Petroleum Institute
SpecialNotes API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature. With respect to particular circumstances local state and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. The use of API publications is voluntary. In some cases third parties or authorities having jurisdiction may choose to incorporate API standards by reference and may mandate pliance. NeitherAP nor any of APl's employees subcontractors consultants mittees orother assigneesmake any warrantyrrepresentationeitherexpressrmliedwithrespect totheaccuracyletenessr infringe upon privately owned rights. ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them; however the Institute makes no representation warranty or guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims having jurisdliction with which this publication may conflict. API publications are published to facilitate the broad availability of proven sound engineering and operating practices.These publications arenotintended to obviate theneed forapplying soundengineeringjudgment regarding when and where these publications should be utilized. The formulation and publication of API sd youo Aue buisn woj auoue equui o em ue u pepuu pou s suoggqnd Anymanufacturermarkingequipment ormaterialsinconformance withthemarkingrequirements of an API standard is solely responsible for plying with all the applicable requirements of that standard. APl does not represent warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. All rights reserved.No part of this work maybe reproduced translated stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording orotherwise without prior written Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. Copyright @ 2023 American Petroleum Institute
Foreword Nothing contained in any API publication is to be construed as granting any right by implication or otherwise forthemanufacture sale oruse of anymethod apparatusrproduct covered by letters patent. Neither should anything contained in the publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. The verbal forms used to express the provisions in this document are as follows. Shall: As used in a standard *shall denotes a minimum requirement in order to conform to the standard. paunbas jou nq pesiape sl ypqum jeu jo uogepuewuoeu e sepouep pinous puepuejs e u pasn sy :pinous in order to conform to the standard. May: As used in a standard *may" denotes a course of action permissible within the limits of a standard. Can: As used in a standard *can° denotes a statement of possibility or capabity. This document was produced under API standardization procedures that ensure appropriate notification and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an API standard. Questions concerning the interpretation of the content of this publication or ments and questions concerming the procedures under which thispublication was developed shouldbe directed inwriting to the Director of Standards Requests for permission to reproduce or translate all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. Generally API standards are reviewed and revised reaffirmed or withdrawn at least every five years. A ascertained from the APIStandards Department telephone (202)682-8000.Acatalogof APIpublications one-time extension of up to two years may be added to this review cycle. Status of the publication can be and materials is published annually by API 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001. Suggestedrevisions are invitedand should be submited to the Standards DepartmentAPl200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001 standards@api.org.
Contents 1 Scope. 2 Normative References. .1 3 Terms Definitions Acronyms and Abbreviations. .1 3.1 Terms and Definitions.. 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations... .5 1 4 Introduction to Pressure Vessels. 6 4.1 Tower.. General. .6 4.2 Exchanger ..7 4.3 Air-cooled HeatExchangers... 11 4.4 13 4.5 Reactor.... 13 4.6 Sphere.. 13 4.7 Other Vessels. 14 5 Pressure Vessel Design and Construction.. 16 5.1 Design and Construction Standards. .16 5.2 Methods of Construction.. .16 5.3 Materials of Construction.. 17 6 Reasons for Inspection... 20 6.1 General. 6.2 Safety.. 20 6.3 Regulatory Requirements. Reliability.... 20 6.4 20 7.1 7 Inspection Plans. General. 21 21 7.2 ReviewingandUpdating Inspection Plans. Developing Inspection Plans... 22 7.3 24 7.4 Integrity Operating Windows.... 25 7.5 Newly Commissioned Vessel Inspection. 25 8 Genera.... Strategies for Establishing Frequency and Performing Inspection. 25 8.1 25 8.2 Fixed Interval... 26 8.3 Risk-Based Inspection.. 26 8.4 On-stream in Lieu of Internal Inspection. 26 8.5 Opportunities for Inspection... 27 9 Safety Precautions and Preparatory Work 28 9.1 Safety Precautions. Preparatory Work.... 28 9.2 31 9.3 Vessel Cleaning and Surface Preparation. 34 10 Inspection Methods and Limitations... 34 10.1 External Inspection General. 34 10.2 36 10.3 Internal Inspection.. 44 10.4 Metal Sample Extraction... Nondestructive Examination.. 57 10.5 61 11 Inspection Results. 61 11.1 Evaluation of Inspection Results. 61 11.2 Determination of Follow-up Actions. 62
11.3 Using Fitness-For-Service.. .62 12 Rerating and Repair 62 12.1 Rerating of Pressure Vessel.. 62 12.2 Repairing the Vessel Degradation.. 13 Pressure Test. 65 13.1 Purpose. Performinga Pressure Test.. 65 13.2 65 13.3 Safety Considerations.... 67 14 Records and Reports. 68 14.1 Records Reports.... 68 14.2 68 Annex A (informative) Exchangers ..70 Annex B (informative) Towers .88 Annex C (informative) Sample Record Forms. 140 Bibliography. 153 Figures 1 Example of a Process Tower... 8 2 Typical Trays in a Tower. .8 3 Random Packing in a Tower..... .9 4 Trays withDowners. ..9 5 Bubble Cap Flow Path... 10 6 Tower Stripping and Rectification Section. 11 7 Example of a Horizontal Heat Exchanger. Example of Vertical Heat Exchanger... .12 8 12 9 Spheres.. 14 10 Horton Spheroid (Noded). ..14 11 Weld Metal Surfacing.. Horizontal Vessel. 15 12 17 13 Strip-lined Vessel. 18 14 Principal Strip-lining Methods. 18 15 Hex Mesh Installation for Refractory Lining.. Reinforced Refractory... .19 16 19 17 Diagram of Suggested Scaffolding .. 30 18 Standing Oiland Water... 31 19 Trays Collapsed. 31 20 Method of Obtaining Vessel Profile Measurements 21 Exchanger Installation and Foundation... 40 22 Severe Deterioration of Anchor Bolts. 41 23 Corrosion in Channel. 46 24 Crack in Weld Seen by PT. 47 25 Hydrogen Blistering. .49 26 Self-vented Hydrogen Blisters.... 50 27 Radiograph of Self-vented Hydrogen Blisters in Carbon Steel.. 50 28 Catalytic Reactor Internals-Cyclones. 52 29 Corrosion Tab Method of Determining Metal Loss on Vessel Linings. 54 30 Strip-liner Damage .. ..54





