ASME B16.11-2021 锻造配件,嵌套焊接和螺纹焊接(英文版).pdf


ASME B16.11-2021 (RevisionofASMEB16.11-2016) Forged Fittings Socket-Welding and Threaded AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD TheAmerican Society of MechanicalEngineers
ASMEB16.11-2021 (Revision ofASMEB16.11-2016) Forged Fittings Socket-Welding and Threaded ANAMERICANNATIONALSTANDARD The AmericanSocietyof Mechanical Engineers Two Park AvenueNewYork NY10016 USA
Date of Issuance: September 19 2022 The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2026. ASMEissues writtenrepliestoinquiries concerninginterpretationsof technicalaspects of thisStandard.Interpretationsare published on the Committee web pageand certain actionsof the ASME as they are ssued. Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME website under the Committee Pages to provide corrections to incorrectlypublisheditemsortcorrecttypographicalrgrammaticalerorsincodesandstandardsucherratashallbesed on the date posted. The B16 Committee Page can be found at There is an option available to automatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard.This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting“Errata in the “Publication Information” section. ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Thiscodeorstandard wasdevelopedunderproceduresaccreditedasmeetingthecriteriaforAmericanNationalStandardsThestandards mittee that approved the code or standard was balanced to ensure that individuals from petent and concerned interests had an opportunityto participate.The proposed code orstandard was made available for public review and ment which provided an opportunity for additional public input from industryacademia regulatory agencies and the public-at-large. ASMEdesntaproeraterenorsenyitmconstructinprorietardeviceractivitASMesnttakeanypositinih respectothevalityofanypatentrightsassertediconnectionwithanyitemsmentionedinthidocuentanddoesntunertakt sensessuedaeeeesenuens Usersofcodeorstandardareexpresslyadvisedthat determinationfthevalidityfanysuchpatentrightsandtheriskofinfringementf such rights is entirely their own responsibility. Participationbfderalagencyrepresentativesrersonsafliatedwithindustrisnot tobeinterpretedasgovementorindustry endorsement of this code or standard. ASMEacceptsresponsibityfornlythseinterpretationsofthisdocumentissuedinccordancewiththeestablishedASMEprocedures and policies which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue New York NY 10016-5990 Copyright 2022 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICALENGINEERS Allrights reserved Printed in U.S.A.
6.1-6 Plugs and Bushings 16 6.1-6C Plugs and Bushings 17
FOREWORD procedure of the American Standards Association (ASA)appointed a subgroup of Submittee 3(now SubmitteeF)toinitiate thestandardizationof weldingfittingsinMay1937.Thefirstmeeting of this group was held later that month and at its meeting in December 1938 in New York it was agreed to undertake the stan- dardizationofdimensionsfsocket-welingfittingsandtorfrthisprojecttoanewdraftingsubgroupOeofthemost important dimensions of this type of ftting requiring standardization was considered to be the dimension from the centerlineofthefittingtothebottomofthesocketsincefromthestandpointof thedesigningengineer thisdimension governsthelocationofadjacentpipewithreference totheentirepipinglayoutAnotherimportantitemforconsideration was the welding fillet dimensions. The drafting subgroup held meetings in Chicago Detroit and New York in March 1939 and May and October 1940 respectivelyandatthelastnamedmeetingthepleteddraftf theproposedstandardwasdisussedandfurther revisionseresuggested.hnapliedtthptembe1940draftheehangesprodued thMay1941rafthih was prepared for distribution to industry for criticism and ment. Thisdistributionresultedinanumberof helpful ments.Themembersofthesubgroupagreed bymail thatmanyof thechangessuggestedshouldbeincorporatedinthereviseddraft December1941).Progressontheapproval of the standard was delayedbytheWorldWarll afterwhich afewmorechangeswere added tomaketheproposalacceptable to all concerned. The revised draft (April 1946) was then submitted to the members of the Sectional Committee for letter ballotvote. FollowingtheapprovaftheSectionalCommittetheproposedstandardwasextapprovedbythesponsorbodie December 9 1946. In1960itwasagreedthatthstandardeededaletrevisionandsimutaneouslythatitshouldbeexpanded coverthreadedfittingsandplugs thencoveredbyMSSSP-49andSP-50.A taskforceworkeddiligentlyfor4yearsbefore arrivingatadraftthatwasacceptableheyalsofound thatratingswereoudatedandelminated the4bclasssf threadedfittingsassignedpressure-tmperatureratingsforanumberfmaterialsandconvertedthesocket-weldfittig ratings to3000and 6 00b.Followingapprovalbythe SectionalCommittee and Sponsors ASAapproval was rantedon January 28 1966. Following theredesignation ofASAastheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute ANSI andSectional Committeesas Standards Committees Submittee 6 began consideration of changes in1969.Early in1972 changes in the pressure classdesignations materials and clarification ofwordingwere agreed uponand submitted forapprovalhis was granted on June 20 1973. The work of development of the 1980 edition of B16.11 began in 1975 when the Committee began consideration of ments and proposals for change that were received.The development procedure was arduous in that a number of ballots were taken that elicited many additional ments and counterproposals.The major changes included an expandedscopeforbetterdefinition requirementsforconformancemarkingaNonmandatoryAnnexwithprovisions forprooforburstesting andtheinclusionofmetricequivalents.FollowingapprovalbytheStandardsCommitteeandCo- procedures accredited by ANSI.The 1991 edition of the standard retitled “Forged Fittings Socket-Welding and and editorialrevisions weremade to mprove the textFollowing approval bythe Standards Committee andASME final approval by ANSI was granted on March 4 1991. In1996 metricdimensionswereadded asanndependentbutqualstandardtotheinchunits.Followingapprovalby the Standards Committee and ASME this revision to the 1991 edition of this Standard was approved as an American National Standard by ANSI on December16 1996 with the new designation ASME B16.11-1996. In 2000 theStandardsCommitteeSMEandNSaproved anaddendatothisStandard toremovepartial li addenda the intended addenda changes were incorporated into the 2001 edition.





