ASME B16.5 问题解释 (2014年至2024年).pdf


2024/10/6 19:35 ASMEInterpretationsDatabase 提交的解释 ASME解释数据库 Submit Interpretation 搜索已发布解释 OR 检查待处理解释的状态 SearchforIssued Checkthe status of Interpretations yourPending 标准名称: Interpretation Standard Designation: 开始输入以进行筛选 Record:记录编号:* Start typing to fiter B16.5 管法兰和法兰管件 B16.50 B16.51 B16.52 B16.9 Search B16.9/28 R171 Reset Record#: Interpretation#: Edition/Addenda: Subject: Date of Issuance: 年/月/日2014年 to 年/月/日2024年 Keyword: ASMEB16.5问题解释(2014年至2024年),XXj双叉戟 翻译编制 Search Reset 解释的适用性 APPLICABILITY OF INTERPRETATIONS 每种解释均适用于该询价所列的版本 Each interpretation applies to the edition and 和附录或补充.

如果没有说明版本日 addenda or supplement listed for that inquiry. 期,则每种解释都适用于发布解释时 When an Edition date is not stated each 的最新版本或附录.

许多解释所依据 interpretation applies either to the latest Edition or 的要求在以后的版本、附录或补充中 进行了修订. 1/2
2024/10/6 19:35 Addenda at the time of issuance of the interpretation. Many of the requirements on which 如果进行了此类修订,则解释可能不 the interpretations have been made are revised in 再适用于修订后的要求.

ASME程序规 later editions addenda or supplements. Where 定,当或如果有可能影响任何解释的 suchrevisionshavebeenmade theinterpretations其他信息可用时,可以重新考虑这些 may no longer be applicable to the revised 解释.

此外,对任何解释感到不满的 requirement. ASME procedures provide for 人可以向认可的ASME委员会或小组委 reconsideration of these interpretations when or if 员会提出上诉.

additional information is available which might ASME不”批准” affect any interpretation. Further persons aggrieved by any interpretation may appeal to the 级”或”认可” 任何项目、结构、专 cognizant ASME mittee or submittee. 有设备或活动 ASME does not “approve′ “certify' “rate* or “endorse” any item construction proprietary device or activity NOTE: 注意: 1. The database contains interpretations to ASME 该数据库包含对2013年12月19日 codes and standards issued after December 19 以后发布的ASME规范和标准的解释 2013 as well as most historical interpretations to 以及对A17,锅炉和压力容器规范 the A17 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code B30 B30,B31,B16等的大部分历史解释.

B31 B16 etc. The database is a work in progress 该数据库正在进行中,并将更新,包 and will be updated to include historical interpretations for all ASME codes and Standards 括ASME规范和标准的历史解释 where applicable. 如适用.

2. Due to display limitations published historical 2.由于显示的限制,出版的历史解释 interpretations do not in all cases reflect the actual 并不总是反映实际认可的解释.

其中 approved interpretation. Wherein interpretations 解释包含方程式、公式和/或草图 contain equations formulas and/or sketches 查阅翻译的印刷版本.

如果如果您有 consult the printed version of the interpretation. If 任何问题或意见,请发送电子邮件至 you have any questions or ments please email

them to 2/2
2024/10/6 16:24 ASMEInterpretations Database ASME解释数据库 Submit Interpretation Search Results:161 Record(s)Found Reset Selection Select AII 搜索结果:共找到161条记录 Show 50 entries 显示50个条目 Search: 选择要显示的解释 SELECT STANDARD RECORD# INTERPRETATION# EDITION PARA FIG SUBJECT DATE OF INTERPRETATION 标准 记录 TABLE# ISSUANCE 解释号 版本 发行日期 TO BE 参考图表 主题 DISPLAYED B16.5 4-9 Dual 01/31/01 Markings B16.5 4-8 Material 01/31/01 Conformance B16.5 4-7 Materials 01/31/01 2013年以前的解释见: Conformance B16.5 4-15 Lapped Joint 02/01/02 ASMEB16.5问题学习: Flanges 1.样本问题,2.问题诠释.

Thickness B16.5 41XXj双叉戟 翻译编制 Material 02/01/02 Conformance B16.5 4-16 Marking 02/20/02 Requirements B16.5 4-17 Flange 09/02/02 B16.5 06-1 B16.5 2003; 06/16/06 Machininga Flange B16.5 06-3 B16.52003 06/19/06 □ Chamfering of Fange Bolt Holes B16.5 06-2 B16.5 2003; 06/19/06 Machining a WN Flange to a SW Flange B16.5 06-4 B16.5 2003; 08/02/06 Material A 350 Gr. LF3 B16.5 06-5 B16.5 2003; 08/17/06 7.4 Flange Thickness B16.5 06-6 B16.5 2003; 09/25/06 Paragraph 5.3 and 6.5 B16.5 08-1 ASME B16.5 03/13/08 2003 Eccenticity 1/4
2024/10/6 16:24 SELECT STANDARD RECORD# INTERPRETATION# EDITION PARA FIG SUBJECT DATE OF INTERPRETATION TABLE# ISSUANCE TO BE DISPLAYED B16.5 08-2 ASME B16.5 03/18/08 2003 B16.5 09-1 B16.5 2003 03/27/09 Section 5.3 and Table 1B B16.5 10-1 B16.52009 03/18/10 Interpretation Paint Covering Markings B16.5 10-2 B16.52009 08/13/10 Marking Requirements B16.5 11-1 B16.5 2009 01/21/11 Paragraph 28 B16.5 11-2 Dimensions 05/26/11 PUR Tolerances of Ring Joints B16.5 11-3 Raised Face 10/03/11 Dimensions B16.5 12-1 B16.5 01/18/12 Paragraph B16.5 11-1940 B16.5-14-01 2009 Paragraph B16.5- 09/29/14 Interpretation to Para. B16.5 14-2467 B16.5-15-01 2013 Table 9 ASME B16.5 01/09/15 A Tables Applicabity to Forged Components B16.5 14-809 B16.5-16-1 2013 2.7 Weld Neck 02/17/16 Flange Ratings B16.5 14-1009 B16.5-16-2 2009 All Tables Use of A 694 02/23/16 A Gr 42 Flanges B16.5 14-1496 B16.5-16-3 2013 Table 6 Blind flange 02/23/16 hole VS Pressure- Temperature Ratings B16.5 15-1403 B16.5-16-5 2009 TABE5 NEED 04/04/16 TOLARANCE OF RING FOR JOINTS AND DEMINSION E FLANGES NOTE1 B16.5 15-1654 B16.5-16-6 2013 PARAGRAPH OD 04/04/16 2/4
2024/10/6 16:24 SELECT STANDARD RECORD# INTERPRETATION EDITION PARA FIG SUBJECT DATE OF INTERPRETATION TABLE# ISSUANCE TO BE DISPLAYED 7.5.1 TOLERANCE B16.5 15-1857 B16.5-16-7 2013 6 Request for 04/04/16 DIMENSIONS clarification of B16.5-2013 chap.6 B16.5 15-2586 B16.5-16-8 ASME Para. 7.3 (b) 816.5- 04/04/16 K B16.5-2013 Interpretation to Para.7.3 (b) B16.5 15-2729 B16.50-16-1 2009 Table No. 1A Manufacturing04/04/16 Slop on Flanges from Plates B16.5 15-308 B16.5-16-4 2013 Clause 7.3 Facings 04/04/16 B16.5 16-529 B16.5-16-9 ASME parigrafo Ring Joint 04/04/16 B16.5 Flanges B16.5 16-175 B16.5-16-10 2013 peragraph B16.5 05/16/16 6.12.2 and Paragraph 6.2 Table-6 B16.5 16-664 B16.50-16-2 2013 1 Flange From 05/16/16 Bar Stock Question B16.5 16-955 B16.5-16-12 2013 Non Flange rating 06/23/16 Mandatory verification for Appendix-A External (A-1.1(b) Piping lcads B16.5 16-986 B16.5-16-11 2013 6.3.3 Flat face 06/23/16 flange fating finish B16.5 16-2035 B16.5-16-13 2013 Clause 8.2.2 PRESSURE 10/31/16 TEST B16.5 16-1209 B16.5-17-03 2013 6.4.5 Request for 02/21/17 clarification of B16.5-2013 Para.6.4.5 B16.5 16-2126 B16.5-17-01 2013 Table 1A and A-479 02/21/17 Table I-2-3.11 Forgings B16.5 16-883 B16.5-17-02 2013 Para. 1.6- Para.1.6- 02/21/17 Relevant units Relevant units Para. 6.10.1- Para. 6.10.1- Dimensiomal Dimensiomal standards Appendix A A- 1.2-Bolt cross section a B16.5 17-1943 B16.5-17-04 2013 Table 6(11-6); B16.5-2013 12/01/17 Table 20(-20 Inquiry Table Table 22(- 6(1-6]): Table 22); Pa 3/4





