Automatic fire Suppression System 自动灭火系统设计、安装、操作和维护手册.pdf


FIRETRACE AUTOMATICFIRESUPPRESSIONSYSTEMS DESIGN INSTALLATION OPERATIONAND MAINTENANCEMANUAL FOR PRE-ENGINEEREDAUTOMATICINDIRECTFM200 CLEANAGENT EXTINGUISHERUNIT ModelsILP-300 ILP-600 &ILP-1200 January 2003 P/N 800022 U.L.EX5323 FMRCFile5612 Firetrace USA LLC. 7898 E. Aa Drive Suite 106 Scottsdale AZ 85260 USA Telephone:480-607-1218 Fax: 480-315-1316 Web site:.firetrace. E-mail:firetrace@firetrace. UL EX 5323/FMRC File 5612 P/N: 800022 UL Rev. 5 01/07/03
TABLEOFCONTENTS SECTION NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE# FORWARD 1 1.1 General 1 1.2 Safety Precautions 1 2 INTRODUCTION 3 2.1 FM-200 Extinguishing Agent 3 2.1.1 Cleanliness 4 2.1.2 Deposition 4 2.1.3 Physical Properties of FM-200 4 2.1.4 Fili Density 5 53 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION 6 3.1 General 6 1.1.1 Operating Pressure 7 1.1.2 OperatingTemperatureRangeLimitations 7 3.2 ComponentDescriptions 7 3.2.1 FM-200 Cylinder/ValveAssemblies 7 3.2.2 Cylinder Mounting Bracket 9 3.2.3 FiretraceFlexibledetector/ActuationTubing 9 3.2.4 Discharge Nozzles 10 3.2.5 Pressure Switch 10 3.2.6 RechargeAdapters FM-200 Cylinder 10 3.2.7 Cylinder NRechargeAdapter 10 3.2.8 CylinderHydro testAdapters 10 3.2.9 FM-200Warning Nameplate 10 SYSTEMDESIGNANDLIMITATIONS 11 4.1 General 11 4.2 Design Procedure 11 4.3 Hazard Enclosure SizeLimitations/NozzlePlacement 12 4.4 General Specifications 14 4.4.1 Discharge Time 14 4.4.2 Storage and Operating TemperatureRange 14 4.4.3 System Operating Pressure 14 4.5 MinimumDesign Concentrations 14 4.6 UnclosableOpeningsandVentilationShutdown 15 4.7 FM-200Design ConcentrationFloodingFactors 16 UL EX 5323/FMRC File 5612 P/N: 800022 UL Rev. 5 01/07/03
PAGE# 4.8 MaximumVolume Coverage 17 4.9 Nozzleand DischargeTubing Requirements 20 4.9.1 Discharge Nozzle Limitations 20 4.9.2 NozzleAreaCoverage 21 4.9.3 DischargeTubing&Fitting Specifications 23 4.9.4 MaximumTubing andFitting Limitations 24 4.9.5 TubingBends 24 4.10 Firetrace DetectorTubing 25 INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS 26 5.1 FM-200Cylinder/ValveandBracketAssemblies 26 5.2 DischargeTubing and Nozzles 27 5.3 Firetrace DetectionTubing 27 5.4 Pressurization ofFiretraceDetectionTubing 28 6 SERVICE MAINTENANCE &FILLINGINSTRUCTIONS 30 6.1 General 30 6.2 PeriodicService and Maintenance 30 6.3 PeriodicServiceand MaintenanceProcedures 31 6.3.1 Monthly:PerformedbyOwnerorEndUser 31 6.3.2 Semi-Annual Inspection 31 6.3.3 FiveYearInspection 31 6.4 PostFire Maintenance 32 6.4.1 FM-200 CylinderValve 32 6.4.2 Valve Disassembly 32 6.5 FM-200 Cylinder Retest 6.6 Filling Procedures 34 7 WARRANTY 36 APPENDIXA 39 Component Drawings Installation Drawings APPENDIX B 69 MaterialSafetyDataSheets Nitrogen FM-200 FM-200 is a registered trademark of Great Lakes Chemical Corporation UL EX 5323/FMRC File 5612 P/N: 800022 UL Rev. 5 01/07/03
1.0FORWARD 1.1General Pre - engineered automatic indirect FM 200 clean agent Extinguisher unit All instructions limitations etc. contained in this manual P/N 800022 NFPA-2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems. UL and ULC Listings/FMRC Approval. Local Authority having jurisdiction. 1.2SafetyPrecautions Safety precautions are essential when any electrical or mechanical equipment is involved.These suppression unit cylinders and equipment. If safety precautions are overlooked or ignored personal o o o essential to the safe use of the equipment described in this manual. DANGER: This danger symbol identifies immediate hazards and provides specific instructions or procedures which if not correctly followed WILL result in severe personal injury or death. This waming symbol identifies specific instructions or procedures which if not correctly followed COULD result in severe personal injury or death. ACAUTION: followed COULD result in minor personal injury or equipment or property damage. UL EX 5323/FMRC File 5612 P/N: 800022 UL Rev 6. 04/23/04 I
1.2.1The following safety precautions should always be followed: WARNING: Pressurized (charged) cylinders are extremely hazardous and if not handled properly are 1.Read and understand this manual and the other documents referenced herein. 2. The valve discharge outlet safety plugs MUST be installed on the cylinder valve at all times and 3.Wear safety glasses when working with pressurized cylinders and charging equipment. It is discharged on or near the skin. 4. Make sure that the ball valve (attached to the top of the cylinder valve) is closed (lever is in °OFF* position) the detection tubing has been removed from the cylinder valve; and the safety caps installed before removing the cylinder from the installation and before performing any charging leak tests or salvage operations. 5.Follow all of the safety procedures included on the cylinder nameplate and in this manual. 6. Never assume that a cylinder is empty. Treat all cylinders as if they are fully charged. Any questions concerning the information contained in this manual should be addressed to: Firetrace USA LLC. 7898 E. Aa Drive Suite #106 Scottsdale AZ 85260 USA telephone: 480-607-1218 fax: 480-315-1316 Email: firetrace@firetrace. .firetrace. UL EX 5323/FMRC File 5612 P/N: 800022 UL Rev 6. 04/23/04 2




