Akhavan FM200 ECS系列工程化灭火系统 设计、安装、运行和维护手册.pdf


P/N 90-FM200M-000 September2004 FM-200? ECSSeries Engineered FireSuppressionSystems Design Installation Operation and MaintenanceManual LISTED UL Liting; File No. EX 4674 FM Fie 3014861 APPROVED Kidde Fire Systems
P/N 90-FM200M-000 September2004 FM-200? ECSSeries Engineered Fire Suppression Systems Design Installation Operation and MaintenanceManual
FOREWORD This manual is written for those who are installing an FM-200* ECS Series Engineered Fire Suppression System. IMPORTANT Kidde-Fenwal assumes no responsibility forthe application of any systems otherthan those addressed in this manual. The technical published and presented without any guarantee or warranty whatsoever. Kidde-Fenwal disclaims any liability for any use that may be made of the data and information contained herein by any and all other parties. Kidde FM-200 Fire Suppression Systems are to be designed installed inspected maintained tested and recharged by qualified trained personnel in accordance with the following: Standard of the National Fire Protection Association No. 2001 titled Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems. •All instructions limitations etc. contained in this manual P/N 90-FM200M-000. Storagehanding transportation servicemaintenance rechargeand test f agent storage containers shallbe performed nlyby qualified and trained personnel in accordance with the information in this manual and Compressed Gas Association pamphlets C-1 C-6 and P-1: C-1 Methods for Hydrostatic Testing of Compressed Gas Cylinders. C-6 Standards for Visuaf inspection of Compressed Gas Cylinders. P-1 Safe Handling of Compressed Gases In Containers. CGA pamphlets are published by the Compressed Gas Association Crystal Square Two 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington VA 22202-4102. The new design concentration for Class A and C fires applles to systems designed to meet and ply with UL 2166 and NFPA 2001 guidelines. As such our Customers are reminded and advised: The applicable best practice that these systems use automatic actuation; Designers should also take note of clause 2- in NFPA 20011 with regard to time delays; The designer should also take note of A.3-4.2.4 in NFPA 2001 and confirm that the hazard protected does not include any identifiable fire accelerants? which would classify the area as a Class B hazard; In addition the designer should refer to section A.3-6 in NFPA 2001 and confim that the area does not include a material number of power or energized cables? in close proximity that would predicate the usage of a different design concentration. Please contact applications engineering for design guidance in this instance. 1 Clause 2- in NFPA 2001 2000 edion states: be provided.For hazard areas subject to fast growth fres where the provision of a time delay would seriously increase the threat to life and For clean agent extinguishing systems a pre-discharge alarm and time delay sufficient to allow personnel evacuation prior to discharge shall property a time delay shall be permitted to be eliminated.* 2A.3-4.2.4 in NFPA 2001 2000 edition states uoge.quaouos uisap ssauftu aug Suynbas jeny oun jo siseq ou uo paenene aq pinoys sien g ssel pue ssel yoq Sujujeuoo spuezeh 3 A.3.6 in NFPA 2001 2000 edition states in part -..Energized electrical equipment that could provide a prolonged ignition source shall be de-energized prior to or during agent discharge.If tion and the posbityof fomation of bustion and deposiion prducts. Additional testing can eneeded on suppression of energized electrical equipment fires to determine these quantities..* Any questions concerming the information presented in this manual should be addressed to: Kidde-Fenwal Inc. 400 Main Street Phone: (508) 881-2000 Ashland MA 01721 Fax: (508) 881-8920




