NFPA 防火手册(第20版) Fire Protection Handbook 20th.pdf
FIREPROTECTION HANDBOOK? TwentiethEdition VOLUME I Arthur E.Cote P.E. Editor-in-Chief Casey C. Grant P.E. John R.Hall Jr. Ph.D. Robert E. Solomon P.E. Associate Editors Pamela A. Powell ManagingEditor Ronald L. Alpert Sc.D. Edward Kirtley M.A. Robert P. Benedetti P.E. L. Jeffrey Mattern Shane M. Clary Ph.D. Guylene Proulx Ph.D. Mark T. Conroy Milosh T. Puchovsky P.E. Richard L. P. Custer M.Sc. Carl H. Rivkin P.E. Christian Dubay P.E. Steven F. Sawyer John A. Granito Ed.D. Robert E. Solomon PE. David R. Hague P.E. Amy Beasley Spencer John R. Hall Jr. Ph.D. Gary Tokle Gregory E. Harrington P.E. Robert J. Vondrasek P.E. SectionEditors NFPA National FireProtection Association? Quincy Massachusetts
Editor-in-Chief: Arthur E. Cote PE Associate Editors: Casey C. Grant PE. John R. Hall Jr. Ph.D. Robert E. Solomon PE. Managing Editor: Pamela A. Powell Senior Developmental Editor: Robine J. Andrau Developmental Editor: Betsey Henkels Permissions Editor: Michael Gammell Project Editor: Irene Herlihy Editorial-Production Services: Omegatype Typography Inc. Interior Design: Chery1 Langway Cover Design: Manufacturing Manager: Cameron Inc. Ellen J. Glisker Printer: Courier/Westford 800do National Fire Protection Association? One Batterymarch Park NFPA Quincy Massachusetts 02169-7471 All rights reserved. Notice Concerning Liability: Publication of this work is for the purpose of circulating informa- tion and opinion among those concermed for fire and electrical safety and related subjects. While every effort has been made to achieve a work of high quality neither NFPA nor the authors and other contributors to this work guarantee the accuracy or pleteness of or assume any liability in connection with the information and opinions contained in this work. The NFPA and the authoes and other contributors in n way shall be liale for any personal injury property or othe damages of any nature whatsoever whether special indirect consequential or pensatory diretly or indirectly resulting from the publication use of or reliance upon this work. This work is published with the understanding that the NFPA and the authoes and other con- tributors to this work are supplying information and opinion but are not atempting to render engi- neering design legal or other professional services. If such services are required the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought. The NFPA codes and standards reproduced or referenced in this book are made available for use subject to Important Notices and Legal Disclaimers which can be viewed at htp:/.nfpa org/disclaimers. The following are trademarks and registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association: National Fire Protection Association NFPA* Fire Protection Handbook FPH7 Building Construction and Safety Code°@ and NFPA 50008 Learn Not to Burn Life Safety Codeand 101 National Electrical Code and NEC& National Fire Codes& National Fire Alarm Code? and NFPA 72@ Risk Watch? Sparky NFPA No.: FPH2008 ISBN-10: 0-87765-758-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-87765-758-3 Library of Congress Control No.: 2007928644 Printed in the United States of America 0809101112 54321
Dedication In recognition of his extraordinary service as founder and professor of the fire protection engineering program at the Universty of Maryland as chairman of the NFPA Board of Directors as chairman of the NFPA Standards Council as leader and mentor this handbook is dedicated to Dr. John L. Bryan.
Contents Preface xV Introduction xvii SECTION-1 Safety in the BuiltEnvironment 1.1 Challenges to Safety in the Built Environment John R. Hall Jr. and Erin R. Twomey 1-3 1.2 Fundamentals of Structurally Safe Building Design Bonnie E. Manley 1-31 1.3 Codes and Standards for the Built Environment Arthur E. Cote and Casey C. Grant 1-51 1.4 Legal Issues for the Designer and Enforcer Arthur E. Schwart 1-73 1.5 Fire Prevention and Code Enforcement Ronaid R. Farr and Steven F. Sawyer 1-81 1.6 Premises Security Lauris V.Freidenfelds 1-95 1.7 Protecting Against Extreme Events =Brian J. Meacham and Carl Galioto 1-109 1.8 Emergency Management and Business Continuity Donald L. Schmidt 1-137 1.9Systems Approach to Fire-Safe Building Design = John M. Watts Jr. 1-157 SECTION2 BasicsofFireand Fire Science 2-1 2.1 Physics and Chemistry of Fire Dougal Drysdale 2-3 2.2 Physics of Fire Configuration =Ronaid L. Alpert 2-21 2.3 Flammability Hazard of Materials Daniel Madrzykowski and David W. Stroup 2-31 2.4Dynamics of Compartment Fire Growth Richard L.P.Custer 2-49 2.5 Basics of Fire Containment MarcL.Janssens 2-59 2.6 Fundamentals of Fire Detection Richard L. P. Custer and James A. Milke 2-75 2.7 Theory of Fire Extinguishment Hong-Zeng Yu and Jeffrey S. Newman 2-79 2.8 Explosions Robert Zalosh 2-93
Contents SECTION3 Information and AnalysisforFireProtection 3-1 3.1 An Overview of the Fire Problem and Fire Protection John R. Hall Jr. and Arthur E. Cote 3-3 3.2 Fire Loss Investigation =Richard L P. Custer and David T. Sheppard 3-31 3.3 Fire Data Collection and Databases =Marty Alhrens and Stan Stewart 3-43 3.4 Use of Fire Incident Data and Statistics Marty Ahrens Patricia Frazier and Gayle Kelch 3-61 3.5 Introduction to Fire Modeling Craig L Beyler Philip J. DiNenno Douglas J. Carpenter and John M. Watts Jr. 3-93 3.6 Applying Models to Fire Protection Engineering Problems and Fire Investigations =Richard L. P. Custer David T. Sheppard and Christopher B. Wood 3-111 3.7 Fire Hazard Analysis Techniques Morgan J. Hurley and Richard W. Bukowski 3-121 3.8 Fire Risk Analysis =John R. Hall Jr. and John M. Watts Jr. 3-135 3.9 Closed Form Enclosure Fire Calculations Edward K. Budnick Sean P. Hunt and Mark T. Wright 3-145 3.10 Performance-Based Codes and Standards for Fire Safety Milosh T. Puchovsky and Morgan J. Hurley 3-167 3.11 Overview of Performance-Based Fire Protection Design Frederick W. Mowrer and Eric R. Rosenbaum 3-183 SECTION4 Human Factors in Emergencies 4-1 4.1 Human Behavior and Fire =John L Bryan 4-3 4.2 Calculation Methods for Egress Prediction Rita F. Fahy 4-49 4.3 Concepts of Egress Design=James K.Lathrop 4-69 4.4 4Techniques of Crowd Management John J. Fruin 4-93 4.5 Strategies for Occupant Evacuation During Emergencies Daniel J. O'Connor and Bert Cohn 4-103 SECTION5 Fire and Life Safety Education 5-1 5.1Principles and Techniques of Fire and Life Safety Education Edward Kirley 5-3 5.2 Fire and Life Safety Education Messages Ermest Grant and Rodney Eksteen 5-21