BS 7273 3 2008 防火措施操作守则 第3部分 预动作水雾器和喷水灭火系统的电气驱动.pdf


BS7273-3:2008 BRITISHSTANDARD Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Part3:Electricalactuationof pre-actionwatermistandsprinkler systems 山 ICS 13.220.20 LicensedCopy: BSi BritishStandards NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW
BS 7273-3:2008 Publishing and copyright information The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. BSI 2008 ISBN 978 0 580 58175 5 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference FSH/12/4 Draft for ment 07/30160342 DC B Publication history First published October 2000 Copy Second edition January 2008 Uncontrolled Amendments issued since publication Amd. no. Date Text affeeted E' DATE Licensed
BS 7273-3:2008 Contents Foreword ii Introduction1 1 Scope 3 2 Normative references 3 3 Terms and definitions4 4 System design 5 5 System interface 9 6 Power supplies cables and wiring 12 B 7 Commissioning and handover13 Annexes Copy Annex A (informative) Example of an arrangement for c.i.e. with separate e.c.d.14 Annex B (informative) Example of an arrangement for c.i.e. with rolled bined e.c.d.15 Annex C (informative) Example of an arrangement for any coincidence logic provided within the c.i.e.16 Uncontr Annex D (informative) Example of an arrangement for any coincidence logic provided within the e.c.d. 17 Bibliography 18 List of figures E Figure 1 Typical logic gate depiction of pre-action systems 2 E Figure A.1 Example of an arrangement for c.i.e. with DA separate e.c.d.14 Figure B.1 Example of an arrangement for c.i.e. with bined e.c.d.15 Figure C.1 Example of an arrangement for any coincidence logic LNAMI provided within the c.i.e.16 Figure D.1 Example of an arrangement for any coincidence logic provided within the e.c.d.17 5 List of tables Table 1 Maximum areas of coverage per point-type smoke detector to Copy: operate pre-action watermist and sprinkler systems in still air conditions 7 Licensed Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages i to iv pages I to 18 an inside back cover and a back cover. BSI 2008i
BS 7273-3:2008 Uncontrolled Copy (c) BSI :DATE Licensed Copy::FULLNAME BSI 2008 This page deliberatety left blank
BS 7273-3:2008 Foreword Publishing information This part of BS 7273 is published by BSI and came into effect on 31 January 2008. It was prepared by Submittee FSH/12/4 Automatic operatiom of fire protection under the authority of Technical Committee FSH/12 Fire detection cnd alarm systems. A list of organizations represented on this mittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. B Supersession This part of BS 7273 supersedes BS 7273-3:2000 which is withdrawn. Copy Relationship with other publications BS 7273 is published in a series of parts: rolled Part 1: Electrical actuation of gaseous total flooding extinguishing systems; Part 2: Mechamical actuation of gaseous total flooding cnd Uncontr local applicatiom extinguishing systems; Part 3: Electrical actuation of pre-action watermist and sprinkler systems; Part 4: Actuation of release mechanisms for doors E E Part 5: Electrical actuation of watermist systems. DA Parts 1 and 2 give remendations for the electrical and mechanical actuation of gaseous fire extinguishing systems respectively. Part 4 .. gives remendations for the actuation of release mechanisms for .LNAMI doors. Part 5 provides remendations for electrical actuation of watermist systems (other than pre-action watermist systems). This current part of BS 7273 provides remendations for the electrical actuation of pre-action watermist and sprinkler systems. Remendations for the design installation missioning and maintenance of fire detection and fire alarm systems are given in Copy: BS 5839-1. Remendations for the design installation missioning and maintenance of sprinkler systems are given in BS EN 12845. Remendations for the design installation C missioning and maintenance of watermist systems will be given in Licensed DD 8489-1 which is currently in preparation. It is anticipated that an amendment will be issued to BS 7273-3 when DD 8489-1 is published. Information about this document This is a full revision of BS 7273-3. The principal changes from the previous edition are as follows. •The scope of the standard now includes pre-action watermist systems. References have been updated. Terminology has been brought into line with related standards particularly in relation to control and indicating equipment. Reference is made to DD 8489-1 and BS EN 12845. BSI 2008ii





