2018 International Mechanical Code* First Printing: August 2017 ISBN: 978-1-60983-743-3 (soft-cover edition) ISBN: 978-1-60983-742-6 (loose-leaf edition) COPYRIGHT 2017 by INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC. Date of First Publication: August 31 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This 2018 International Mechanical Code° is a copyrighted work owned by the Intemational Code Council Inc. Without advance written permission from the copyright owner no part of this book may be reproduced distributed example and not limitation photocopying or recording by or in an information storage retrieval system). For information on use rights and permissions please contact: Publications 4051 Flossmoor Road Country Club Hills IL 60478. Phone 1-888-ICC- SAFE (422-7233). Trademarks: “Intermational Code Council ” the “International Code Council" logo “ICC ” the “ICC" logo “International Mechanical Code " “IMC" and other names and trademarks appearing in this book are trademarks of the International Code Council Inc. and/or its licensors (as applicable) and may not be used without permission. PRINTED IN THE U.S .A. INTERNATIONALCODECOUNCIL Crprgh 20 KC AL RGHIS BESBVED Acby Er Rk Mey 15 &175 AN pel LescAgmmt t IC. Nfthe ntiot dtibuin zhorind ANY INALTIORIZED REPRODUCHON OA DUSTRIUTON A VIOLATION OF TIE FIDEAL COPYRGIT ACT AND THE LKCEXSE
PREFACE Introduction tems using prescriptive and performance-related provisions. It is founded on broad-based principles that make possible the use of new materials and newmechanical designs. This 2018 edition is fully patible with all of the International Codes°(I-Codes°)published by the International Code Council(ICC°) including the InternationalBuilding Code IntemationalEnergy Conservation CodeInternationalExisting BuldingCodeInternotionglFireCodeInternationalFuelGasCode ageDisposalCode°InternationglPropertyMaintenonce CodeInternationalResidentiol Code Internotional Green Construction Code° International Plumbing Code° International Privote Sew- InternotlonolSwimming PoolandSpa CodeInternationgl wildiand-Urban Interfoce Code Inter- nationail Zoning Codea and International Code Councll Performonce Code The I-Codes including this Internotional Mechanical Code are used in a variety of ways in both the public and private sectors.Most industry professlonals are familiar with the I-Codes as the basis -nauou jo auen e uasn ae Aau se euane oena au puoaq am spuaxa spo ao of laws and regulations in munities across the U.S. and in other countries. However the impact tory settings including: Voluntary pliance programs such as those promoting sustainability energy efficiency and disaster resistance. The insurance industry to estimate and manage risk and as a tool in underwriting and rate decisions. Certification and credentialing of individuals involved in the fields of building design con- struction and safety. Certification of building and construction-related products. saadod paumo-uaaog o ee ve ul uonsu pin o slpale eapa s'n Facilities management. Best practices" benchmarks for designers and builders including those who are engaged in projects in jurisdictions that do not have a formal regulatory system or a governmental enforcement mechanism. * College university and professional school textbooks and curricula. * Reference works related to building design and construction. In addition to the codes themselves the code development process brings together building pro- fessionals on a regular basis. It provides an international forum for discussion and deliberation about building design construction methods safety performance requirements technological advances and innovative products. Development 2015 editions and further changes approved by the ICC Code Development Process through 2016. A new edition such as this is promulgated every 3 years. This code is founded on principles intended to establish provisions consistent with the scope of a unnecessarilyincrease constructioncosts;provisionsthat donotrestrict the useofnewmaterials mechanical code that adequately protects public health safety and welfare; provisions that do not ds ticular types or classes of materials products or methods of construction. 2018INTERNATIONALMECHANICALCODE* Crpnh 20 CC A RGS BVED Acb R Me 15 &75 AN LAgmm IC. Nf ti iii INTERNATIONALCODECOUNCIL datribzin 强uhrid ANY UNALTIORIZED REFRODUCTION OR DISTRIUTION E A VIOLATION OF THIE FEDEIAL COFYRUGIT ACT AND THE LKCEXSE
Maintenance mittedby code enforcement officials industry representatives design professionals and other The Internotional Mechanical Code is kept up to date through the review of proposed changes sub- interested parties. Proposed changes are carefully considered through an open code development process in which all interested and affected parties may participate. The ICC CodeDevelopment Process reflects principles of openness transparency balance d process and consensus the principles embodied in OMB Circular A-119 which governs the federal government's use of private-sector standards. The ICC process is open to anyone; there is no cost to participate and people can participate without travel cost through the ICC's cloud-based app cdp- The codes which are updated regularly include safeguards that allow for emergency action when Access*. A broad cross section of interests are represented in the ICC Code Development Process. required for health and safety reasons. in the process theICChasdeveloped partnerships withkeyindustry segments that suport the o e ae saoo a sa eae ue ap e y sueieoe ana o apo u nated by the following industry partners and approved by the ICC Board: ▪American Institute of Architects (AIA) *National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) The code development mittees evaluate and make remendations regarding proposed changes to the codes.Theirremendations are then subject to publicmentand council-wide votes. The ICC's governmental members-public safety officials who have no financial or business interest in the ouite-cast the final votes on proposed changes. Aue Aq pue sap juaudojanap apoo au qlnouq alueuo o 1oafqns aue xuom su jo sjuajuo au governmentalentitythat enactsthecodeintolaw.Formoreinformationregardingthecode devel- opment process contact the Codes and Standards Development Department of the International Code Council. While the I-Code development procedure is thorough and prehensive the ICC its members and those participating in the development of the codes disclaim any liability resulting from the publication or use of the I-Codes or from pliance or nonpliance with their provisions. The ICC does not have the power or authority to police or enforce pliance with the contents of this code. CodeDevelopmentCommitteeResponsibilities (Letter Designationsin Frontof Section Numbers) Action HearingsbytheInternational Mechanical Code Development Committeewhose action con- In each code development cycle proposed changes to this code are considered at the Committee stitutes aremendationto thevotingmembershipforfinalaction on theproposed change.Code change proposals to sections of the code that are precededbya bracketed letter designation are consideredbyadifferent code development mittee.For example proposed changestocode sections that have [BG] in front of them (e.g. [BG] 309.1) are considered by the IBC-General Code Development Committee at the Committee Action Hearing. The bracketed letter designations for mittees responsible for portions of this code are as fol- lowS: [A] = Administrative Code Development Committee [BE] = IBC-Egress Code Development Committee [BF] = IBC-Fire Safety Code Development Committee [BG] = IBC-General Code Development Committee [BS] = IBC-Structural Code Development Committee CKC AVED Ab 1A IC、 f 2018INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE* INTERNATIONALCODECOUNCIL drbutin uzriad ANY LNALTKORIZD REPRODUCION OA DSTRIUTION E A VIOLATON OF TIE FIDEAL COPYUGITACT AND THIE LKENSE
[E] = International Energy Conservation Code Development Committee [F] = International Fire Code Development Committee [FG] = International Fuel Gas Code Development Committee [P] = International Plumbing Code For the development of the 2021 edition of the I-Codes there will be two groups of codle devel- Group A Codes Group B Codes (Heard in 2018 Code Change Proposals (Heard in 2019 Code Change Proposals Deadline: January 8 2018) Deadline: January 7 2019) International Building Code Administrative Provisions (Chapter 1 of all] Egress (Chapters 10 11 Appendix E) codes except IECC IRC and IgCC administra- Fire Safety (Chapters 7 8 9 14 26) General (Chapters 26 12 2733 dards and designated definitions) tive updates to currently referenced stan- Appendices A B C D K N) International Fire Code International Building Code Structural (Chapters 1525 Appendices F G H 1 J L M) International Fuel Gas Code International Existing Building Code International Mechanical Code International Energy Conservation Code- Commercial International Plumbing Code International Energy Conservation Code- Residential IECC-Residential IRCEnergy (Chapter 11) International Property Maintenance Code International Green Construction Code (Chapter 1) International Private Sewage Disposal Code International Residential Code IRC-Building (Chapters 110 Appendices E F H J K L M O Q R S T) International Residential Code IRC-Mechanical (Chapters 1223) IRC-Plumbing (Chapters 2533 Appendices G i N P) International Swimming Pool and Spa Code International Wildland-Urban Interface Code International Zoning Code ets I in the text of the ICC Performance Code*. Note: Proposed changesto the ICCPerformnce Code willbe heard by the code development mitee noted in brack- Code change proposals submitted for code sections that have a letter designation in front of ent mittees hold Committee Action Hearings in diferent years proposals for this codle will be heard by mittees in both the 2018 (Group A) and the 2019 (Group B) code development cycles. For example every section of Chapter 1 of this code is designated as the responsibility of the changeproposalsforChapter1of thiscodeandproposalsforChapter1ofall-Codesexceptthe InternationolEnergyConservation Code InternotionolResidentialCodeandInterngtiongl Green Construction Code. Therefore any proposals received for Chapter 1 of this code willbe assigned to the Administrative Code Development Committee for consideration in 2019. Another example is Section [F] 606.4 of this code which is designated as the responsibility of the International Fire Code Development Committee. This mittee will conduct its code develop- dod e spn ym mand s ui slesood aeo apo aso o ao u sueau jua als to Section [F] 606.4. 2018 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE* INTERNATIONALCODECOUNCIL Ooprngt 27 KC aL KGHIS KESEBVED Aoeby En fd ±Me 1IL.2I7c5.AN pensl o LcerAgremst wl OC. Nefurthr gtee- datribzin 强uhrid ANY UNALTIORIZED REFRODUCTION OR DISTRIUTION E A VIOLATION OF THIE FEDEIAL COFYRUGIT ACT AND THE LKCEXSE
IBC国际机械标准 2018 International mechanical Code 2018.pdf