NFPA 16 Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems 2019 NFPA
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16-1 Copyright @ 2018 National Fire Protection Asociation°. All Rights Reserved. NFPA° 16 Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray Systems 2019 Edition This editin of NFPA 16 Sd f t tlt f FWtr Sprinr d FWt Sy Systes was prpared by theTechical Commitee nFoamWatr prinklers an relesed by Correlating Committee on Automatic Sprinkler Systems. It was issued by the Standards Council on May 5 2018 with an effective date of May 25 2018 and supersedes all previous editions. This edition of NFPA 16 was approved as an American National Standard on May 25 2018. Origin and Development of NFPA 16 The frst standard inolving foamwater sprinkler systems was published in 1954 by the National Board of Fire Underwriters (now American Insurance Association) and was titled Stndrd for Combined Fom nd WterSmy Syts The NFPA Technical Committe on Foam-Water Sprinklers was established in 1959 with asistance from the NBFU. The first edition of this standard was published in 1962. Various updates to the standard were pleted in 1968 1974 1988 and 1990. Chnge were made to recognize the use of new foam concentrates and to improne the language and format of the document. The 1995 edition included clarification of the scope of the standard improwements to the hydraulic design criteria and recognition of a fourth proportioning method. The 1999 edition bined NFPA 16 and NFPA 16A into one prehensive document. Numerous edlitorial changes also were instituted. The 2003 edition was reformatted to conform to the Manual of Seyle for NFPA Tchnical Cowmitr Doraments and was revised to recognize the use of different types and brands of foam concentrate. The 2007 edition of the standard was revised to coordinate definitions and requirements for fire department connections and underground pipe with those of other documents. The 2011 edition was upcated to clarify the criteria for acceptance testing of the concentration of foam to specific tolerance ranges. The 2011 edition also made the hose stream allace consistent with NFPA 13 Standd r te The standard clarified that the orifice indicator tabs or ameplate must be permanentl marked. Istalltim Sprinr Sstes. In aition the alchlresistant foms did not foll the Dary Weishach formula because they are non-Newtonian fluids and a change was made to consult the manufacturers regarding friction loss. The 2015 edition of NFPA 16 upated seeral definitions for foam water sstem types incluing foamwat rinktm fmwatr d m fmat dy stm a fmat with NFPA 13Multiple changes weremade to thestandard from aystem acceptane persective. preaction sstem. The strainer and galvanized piping Cfactor requirements were revised to correlate Language was aded to the acceptance testing criteria to confirm that the proportioning system meets the actual calculated system discharge demand at the most remote four sprinklers. Finally the Contactors Material and Test Certificate from NFPA 13 was added for correlation purposes. NFPA an atal Fr PrttiAiti ar regsteed rmrk of te atilFie PrtiAciti Qinc Mschsts 19.
16-2 INSTALLATION OF FOAM-WATER SPRINKLER AND FOAM-WATER SPRAY SYSTEMS The 2019 edition of NFPA 16 was reorganized in a fashion consistent with that of the 2019 edition of NFPA 13 to present information in the order in which it is needed when planning and designing a foam water sprinkler/spray sstem. Technical changes include the addition of requirements for working drawings using information from both NFPA 11 and NFPA 13 to prowide a prehensive list of information. Information about the tpe of foam concentrate piping was extracted from NFPA 11 to be consistent with that standard. Information was also extracted from NFPA 30 to addres containment drainage and spillcontrol. 2019 Edition
NFPA 16 2019 泡沫水喷淋和泡沫水雾化系统的安装标准.pdf